10 Phrases To Say To Your Child When He Has A Stubborn Attitude

Do not miss these 10 essential phrases to educate children who tend to have a stubborn attitude.
10 phrases to say to your child when he has a stubborn attitude

Raising strong-willed children can be difficult when they are young, but if properly nurtured and nurtured, they can become great world changers. Although caring for a stubborn little one seems like a very complicated task, it is doable and possible. Just remember: children respond best when they are heard and understood.

Next, we are going to show you some phrases to help your children with a stubborn attitude and a strong will to learn to get along with others, but also with you and the rest of the family.

Phrases in communication with children with stubborn attitude

Now, do not miss these phrases that you can say to your child with a stubborn attitude whenever you want to reinforce communication.

  • “I can see that you didn’t hear me the first time. How about I tell you and you whisper it to me? ” Having your child repeat what he hears solidifies the message. Varying the volume adds an element of fun to the application.
  • “I hear you. Can you find a solution? ” Asking a child with a stubborn attitude to find a solution returns responsibility. The next time he complains, ask him to brainstorm solutions. Remind her that there are no wrong answers, and the sillier they are, the better.
    Boy teasing his father while taking a nap and having a stubborn attitude.
  • “This is a tough question, huh? We are going to solve this together. This phrase reinforces the idea that you are on the same team, working towards the same goal.

Phrases for impulsive moments

Therefore, if your child usually has moments of impulse in which, for example, he throws toys on the ground, then it is a good idea to keep the following phrases in mind.

  • “When you throw away your toys, I think you don’t like to play with them. Is that what is happening? ” This speaker-listener technique is designed to help communicate feelings in a non-confrontational way. Not only is this keeping the lines of communication open, but you are modeling how to frame a situation from their perspective, which, in turn, gives your child an opportunity to rephrase events in their perspective.
  • “It’s okay to be angry, but I won’t let you hit. We need to keep everyone safe. Also, this strongly conveys the message that emotion is okay but action is not. Separating them will help your stubborn child learn what he can and cannot do.

Phrases to find calm in children with stubborn attitude

Also, when children with a stubborn attitude do not find calm, it is important that parents guide them in the process to achieve it. For this, follow these tips:

  • “Let’s go together to our space of calm. This changes the script from “timeout” to “timeout”, allowing reconnection rather than isolation.
  • “I’m starting to get frustrated and I’m going to be right here, calming down. To top it off, this helps kids label and control your emotions by modeling this in real time.
Child staring.

For moments of transition and frustration

Sometimes when stubborn kids have to transition, they may feel lost in some way, so don’t miss out on these phrases to tell them.

  • “What do you need to do to be ready to go?” Allow little ones to think about the processes for transitions in their lives. Also, this helps avoid a power struggle and gives them an opportunity to signal to their minds that they are transitioning to a new activity. This is also a great routine for role play when you’re not really going anywhere.
  • “If green is calm, yellow is frustrated and red is angry, I am in the yellow zone in the direction of red. What color are you? What can we do to get back to green? ” Give stubborn children a picture to express how they feel. It may surprise you what they say and what kind of solutions they come up with to change direction.

So that you do not lack love and affection

  • “I am here for you. I love you. You are safe ” .  Then sit quietly with your child and allow the excitement to rise up and pass. When children are in the midst of anger or panic, their bodies often experience a stress response in which they feel insecure. Letting them know that they are safe supports them until the annoyance passes. This is a vital resilience skill.

    When a child has a stubborn attitude …

    In conclusion, these 10 phrases are ideal to be able to teach children with a stubborn attitude, because, in this way, they will learn to calm down. It will be easier when they feel understood and respected all the time. Their behavior will improve without you noticing!

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