10 Signs That Your Child Is Addicted To Video Games

Video game addiction is always a problem, so it is important to know how to identify it as soon as possible. In this article we will give you some practical advice.
10 signs your child is addicted to video games

Children like video games  and it is a guaranteed fun without having to burn energy of any kind. Parents should ask themselves if their children are enjoying normal and healthy development or if they are really battling a video game addiction in their children.

It is necessary to know that between 3 and 10% of video game players become addicted to them. While playing it seems that nothing happens, but the reality is that video game addiction can be a problem. If you are not sure that your child just likes to play games or if he is addicted, then do not miss the following symptoms to know if he has an addiction to video games.

Symptoms that reveal that your children are addicted to video games

1. Unusual behavior

A video game addict is often very concerned about behaving appropriately to earn the prize of playing video games. If you don’t get it, they can have a very disruptive behavior. Even when they are playing video games, they can appear indifferent, distracted and irritable.

video game

2. Isolation from family and friends

A video game addict is capable of spending the hours of a weekend in front of the screen … even subtracting hours of sleep or even forgetting that he has to eat. Social interaction is conspicuous by its absence and its behavior is so isolated that it draws attention and of course, it worries.

3. Lack of control

If your child is not able to control the amount of time he spends playing video games or to control his emotional state when it is time to turn it off because he has had enough. You can also lose emotional control when rules are set regarding the use of video games.

4. Impulsive habits

It is possible that your child needs to play immediately and also, if you have money saved, he or she is able to spend a lot of money or ask for it to buy video games, accessories to play or for anything else that has to do with video games. He does not care how much money is spent, he just wants to get more and more.

5. Waste your time

A video game addict will lose track of time completely. He is able to sit down to play for only 15 minutes but then get up from his seat 8 hours later and not even realize how much time has passed, or if he has noticed it, he does not care because he prioritizes playing before anyone else thing.


6. It seems to live in an imaginary world

It seems that the person addicted to video games like to escape to the realms of fantasy. Players who spend a lot of time playing might have a problem dealing with reality. In many cases, video games are a way of escaping from what is happening around them or not accepting reality. 

7. Has negative effects on other areas of your life

Other areas of the child’s life may be negatively affected. Children addicted to video games can grow distant from friends and family, they may not want to do homework or study to spend more time watching video games, their health can affect their sedentary life, etc.

8. Hiding negative or uncomfortable feelings

There are boys and girls who use video games to self-medicate emotionally. Children can play a game to avoid difficult situations, not to face their real feelings, or to avoid realities that make them feel bad and uncomfortable.

9. Shows a defensive attitude and denial of the obvious

When these children are faced with the attitude of another person who tries to make them see their addiction, they may feel confronted and they will become defensive by denying the obvious. If they flatly deny it and even get aggressive, it is a clear warning sign that something is wrong.

10. Money is not well managed

Video game addicts are able to spend a lot of money on new games, gadgets and accessories that they think they cannot do without. If he is a child without money, he will ask his parents to buy it for him, becoming very irritable if he does not get it or if they refuse to buy it.

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