5 Positive Phrases You Should Say To Your Children

Any time in parenting is ideal for giving positive reinforcement through words. Below you will find some very relevant phrases that can help your children on a day-to-day basis.
5 positive phrases you should say to your children

Some parents show interest in their children through concrete actions of care and protection, but they miss something very important: expressing this interest through their words. With them they could use phrases positive things that would have a healthy emotional impact on your little ones and your relationship.

Before reading further, let us ask you: Do you know what are the most impactful phrases that you should constantly say to your children?

Don’t worry if your answer is negative. In this article we will show you the 5 most important positive phrases that you should frequently express to your children. They will help them to have more confidence and security in themselves and in you. So make yourself comfortable and don’t stop reading it.

1.- “You are important and special to me”

It is very important that you help your child understand that when it was created it was serious and not serial. Make him feel like what he is: a unique, different and special being. That is exactly what makes it important.

Never compare with anyone and tell them every day how important and special they are to you. This will help him develop good self-esteem and greater self-confidence. He will realize that he is not alone and that he can count on you when any joy or inconvenience arises.

2.- “I’m proud of you”

Most of the time, you could have used the second of these positive phrases when your child did something great. For example, when you got good ratings , an honorable mention, a match won, among other things.

phrases for your son

But Telling your child that you are proud of him should not come out of your mouth only when he has obtained excellent results in some test. This phrase rewards the effort that you know you made to achieve some goal, whether or not it obtained good results.

By saying this phrase you would make him understand that he is important to you for what he is and not for his successes.

3.- “Your opinion is important”

For this phrase to have a great impact, it is necessary to maintain good communication with your child. Do not impose your ideas and allow him to express his. Even if he makes decisions that you think are wrong, give him the opportunity to implement them.

If a decision seems wrong to you, you can give your opinion about it, but remember that it is your decision to accept your advice or not. Pay attention when he talks and don’t just try to listen to yourself. This way they will understand that their opinion is important to you.

4.- “Sorry”

It is important that you recognize when you make a mistake with your child and that you are able to express your regret for the damage caused. This will teach you to do the same when the opposite is the case.

So if at any time you yelled at him and unloaded your anger against him, as soon as you recover, go to him and ask him forgiveness  even if it costs you. This will provide a reconciliation between the two of you and improve your relationship.

5.- “I love you”

If your child could be sure that you love him, it would not be necessary to express any of the positive phrases above. But, how could your child realize that you love him, if you miss the opportunities you have to express it, justifying yourself for your lack of time?

father and son

Love is the essential ingredient for a family to be strong, united and emotionally healthy. Do not miss the opportunity you have today to say I love you to your son, tomorrow could be too late.

Say positive phrases that show love

The previous phrases are the ones that your child often cries out to hear from your lips. He needs care, food, protection, gifts, but the most important and beneficial thing for him is your time.

Plant values ​​in him and tell him every day any of these positive phrases that you learned today. You will see that they will unite them as a family. What’s more, Your little one will learn that talking about their emotions and feelings is natural and healthy. In time, you will be an adult with well-developed emotional intelligence.

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