5 Questions About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding implies great benefits for the baby and for the mother, but it is also normal that it generates certain doubts. Here we answer some of the most common.
5 questions about breastfeeding

Breastfeeding implies a certain degree of dedication, since the baby will not only look for your breast to feed. He will also do it to feel comforted, protected, warm and loved, as no one better than his mother to provide security.

Breastfeeding your baby is an act of love. What your child needs most at that time in his life is to have his mother always with him.

Many women are aware of this and always want to please the wishes of the child. Experts advise that it should be done, because it favors your peace and quiet.

However, on the way you may have many doubts. It is likely that you feel very afraid and that you are not sure if you are doing it right or not.

Many times getting a good breastfeeding technique is not so simple. However, and fortunately, you can consult the opinion of an expert in breastfeeding, such as a pediatrician, a midwife or a nurse. They will be able to assess the situation and help correct your posture if it is not appropriate.

Mother breastfeeding her baby.

5 tips to clarify doubts about breastfeeding

I have little milk, what can I do about it?

Many mothers feel that their children are not satisfied with the milk they offer. They think they are doing something or wrong, or even that their milk is not good.

However, science has proven that except in exceptional situations, all mothers produce the amount of milk that their babies need. This is guaranteed when a correct breastfeeding technique is applied and this is on demand.

If your baby suckles at least 8 times a day, the stimulation of the breast skin ensures the functioning of the lactation hormones, especially during the first weeks.

Will I be applying a correct breastfeeding technique?

To clarify that doubt, you should know that the baby feeds well when the opening of his mouth covers the nipple and a good part of the areola. That way you have the possibility to empty your chest well.

Good sucking has a lot to do with milk production. The breast needs the stimulation of the baby’s mouth to be able to produce it.

If the baby does not open his mouth fully or has a short tongue tie, he will suck ineffectively. You will be sucking for a long time, because you will get only the milk from the beginning and you will not be satisfied.

Also, poor technique causes the breasts to hurt and the tips of the nipples to crack, which is quite painful.

Is it good to express milk with a breast pump?

For many mothers, especially those who must leave their baby in the care of others, it can be helpful to use a breast pump.

Doing so can encourage you to make more milk, which is a good thing. However, bottle feeding deprives the baby of stimuli that the baby receives when feeding at the mother’s breast.

How do I know the baby is getting enough to eat?

The first 48 hours the baby feeds on its mother’s colostrum, but almost no woman is aware of it. This liquid will help to immunize the body of the newborn the first days.

On the other hand, after the rise in milk, few mothers notice the output with pressure. However, most make enough that your baby needs.

Starting on the third day, the baby should suckle more than 8 times and have 3 or more bowel movements. If this happens, it will be clear that it is being fed correctly.

I want to breastfeed my baby on demand, how do I do it?

To breastfeed on demand, the baby has to breastfeed whenever he wants. It is convenient to offer your breast when he “reaches”, grunts or sucks his fingers, without waiting for him to cry from hunger.

It is important that you nurse from the same breast all the time, because the milk at the end has more fat (more calories). If she wants more, the other breast can be offered later.

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