6 Exercises For The Development Of The Baby From 4 To 6 Months

In this article you will find exercises for the development of the baby from 4 to 6 months. Children need stimulation to expand their world.
6 exercises for the development of the baby from 4 to 6 months

A child must be exercised from his earliest days. Here we are going to focus on exercises for the development of the baby from 4 to 6 months. During this period, the baby makes a great advance in the development of its movements, hence the importance of stimulating it.

If you do these exercises with your little one regularly and are aware of their needs, you will be able to see the differences compared to children who do not exercise. The child who exercises will be more mature in his behavior.

Do you want to know what exercises you can do with your child to promote their development? Below you can find some of these that may be very useful to you.

Psychomotor development

From 4 to 6 months, the baby is most active in its development. He spends more time awake and more receptive to his surroundings. He is becoming a little explorer.

At 4 months

  • He tries to take the objects when we show them to him.
  • He already holds things in his hands and brings them to his mouth.
  • Raise your head 90ยบ.
  • You can put one foot on the opposite knee.
    Mom doing exercises for the development of her baby from 4 to 6 months.

At 5 months

  • Play with your feet and hands.
  • Follow moving objects with your gaze.
  • He can keep his head if he is kept seated.
  • Face down open arms and legs.
  • Pedal when on his back.
  • It can be turned on its side.

At 6 months

  • Objects are passed from one hand to another.
  • Grab her feet and suck on them.
  • When he is upside down, he begins to support himself with his hands.
  • Starts to roll over when lying down.
  • If you shake your hand on his back, he will start to lift his head.

    Exercises for the development of the baby from 4 to 6 months

    Grabs toys that are taller than him while upside down

    Put the child face down and hang a toy or hold it about 15 or 20 cm above him. If you want to reach the object, you will have to lean on one arm and propel yourself with the other. In this exercise, change the position of the child or toy so that it alternates its arms.

    The plane, one of the exercises for the development of the baby from 4 to 6 months

    Place the child face down and place an object that attracts his attention in front of him, but out of his reach. He will try to catch it and, when he is quite agitated, will open his arms and legs, while arching his back. When 20 or 30 seconds have passed, bring the toy closer to him so that he can get it.


    Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out and place your child on his back on them. His legs have to be supported on your stomach and his head on your knees.

    Give him your index fingers to grip. When the child is holding onto them, lie down slowly and raise your legs high. In this way, the child will be standing on your stomach. Then sit down again so that it rests on your thighs.

    Mom playing with her baby and doing exercises for his development.

    Find the source of a sound, one of the best exercises for the development of the baby from 4 to 6 months

    Place your child in your arms and the father will hide behind a door, a table, the sofa, … and call him. When the child looks in the right direction, the mother will praise him and the father will come out of hiding and smile at him.

    Another way is to hide and ring a bell, clapping your hands and changing the intensity. Thus, we will provoke the reaction of the little one.

    Picking up the child as a reward for his whispers

    When the child murmurs, pick him up and lift him high into the air, smile at him, and lower him again. You can repeat this exercise when you murmur again. You can do this 5 to 6 times. Instead of picking it up, you can do anything else the child likes, like give it a toy, sing it a song, etc.

    Pressing rubber toys, another of the exercises for the development of the baby from 4 to 6 months

    Provide your child with a rubber toy that makes a sound. Thus, you will discover that when you press it, it sounds. The soft ones are recommended because, thus, also when pressed, they will change their shape.

    These are just a few of the 4- to 6-month-old developmental exercises you can do. If you put them into practice, you will realize the progress that your child will make in his development. Take advantage of this stage when he is much more active to do activities with him. The difference between exercising and not exercising is considerable.

    Motor development in children from 0 to 5 years old

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