6 Hiking Tips For Families With Young Children

6 hiking tips for families with young children

When you go with children it can be difficult to even take a walk in the street or in the park. There are families who like to promote hiking, because in addition to being healthy, it can help both parents and children to strengthen their emotional bond thanks to the experiences lived together. Although at times, it may not be so easy to go hiking as a family with young children. 

Hiking is a wonderful way to get some fresh air and enjoy nature as a family. But what if you have a small child? Do not worry!  The following tips for family hikes with young children will help make this trip more enjoyable for adults, but also for children.

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Hiking tips for families with young children

Choose the route well

It is possible that in your mind you liked to reach the highest mountain in your area by hiking, but if you go with young children, it will not be the best day to start that type of hike.

You’d better explore some kid-friendly hiking trails within your locality. Try to make the path flat and easy, and even to have recreation or leisure areas so that everyone can rest together and recharge.

Bring the right gear

There is nothing worse than hiking as a family and having to carry your children’s jacket or jackets in your hand, or having your child tell you that he is getting tired and that he wants you to carry him. Much less when you try to have your hands free and that hiking is pleasant and that you can also have other important things on hand, such as bottles of fresh water.

In addition to carrying a suitable backpack, comfortable clothes and correct footwear for walking, you can choose to take with you a stroller for children suitable for long walks or field routes. So if your child needs to rest he will not ask you to take him up because he will have the stroller to do it whenever he needs it and it will be much more comfortable for you. 

That you do not lack food and drink

Children get tired and are often thirsty and hungry as well. It is necessary that you take with you fresh drinks, sandwiches and snacks.

Do not allow your young children to go hungry or thirsty because they could have a bad time and that the hiking that was intended to be a pleasant experience for everyone, becomes a nightmare that you will never want to repeat.

You all need to be hydrated all the time. It is also essential that you carry bags for waste items so that you can later throw them into a container in your town.

Teach your children values ​​from a very young age and how to take care of the environment. Waste should never be thrown on the ground, it must be reserved to be deposited in its corresponding place.

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Empty bags and wipes for cleaning

In the same way that it is a good idea to carry a bag to fill it with garbage, it is also a good idea to take a bag with change clothes for your baby in case it gets stained, items necessary for their well-being such as diapers, disposable wipes in case they get dirty from anything, sunscreen, etc. Think about everything your baby could need to take him with you.

Do not lack fun

Most children love adventures, but sometimes a hiking trail can be less interesting for them than it is for you, it can even become highly boring.

Ask him questions about the forests or what kinds of plants are seen along the way. Look at the insects or animals that you find in the middle of nature.

A wonderful way to get kids engaged is by keeping them interested. You can take binoculars to see things far closer, investigate the bark of trees, see the different stones or plants that are on the way … Children love nature and will enjoy learning new things while experimenting directly with the environment.

That there is no lack of security

It is necessary that your phone has enough charge, that the route is not too long or complicated. You should also inform a loved one that you are walking and where you are.

Check the weather in advance, dress in appropriate clothing for the occasion, and never lose sight of your child. If you’ve been holding it all the time, so much the better. Safety always has to come first.

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