6 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud Of Your Scar

6 reasons why you should be proud of your scar

Facing breast cancer is a terrible experience capable of changing the life of those who suffer from it, and leaving physical and emotional traces that will be difficult to overcome.

There is a process that few talk about, and we are referring exactly to the stage that follows recovery. In some cases, after having survived breast cancer, the affected person and their closest environment They try not to talk about this topic so as not to relive the pain and anguish it produced.

In this attempt to put aside everything that reminds cancer, physical scars can be taken as an element of shame that generates complexes and frustration.

Faced with this inescapable reality, this time we want to mention some reasons why mothers who have defeated cancer should be proud of that imprint that reminds them that life has given them another chance.

Be proud of your scar

breast affected by mastitis

Reasons why you should be proud and smile at life:

1.- Medal of honor

 Considering that not all women with breast cancer have the opportunity to give a testimony of victory over the disease , the scar cannot be assumed as something other than fortune.

Not all can say: “I survived and this scar is proof of it.” That is why we invite women who have undergone a cancer-related mastectomy to dare to see beauty beyond symmetry.

2.- You are beautiful inside and out

 Beauty is not just voluptuous breasts that project the sinuosity of the female body. It is necessary that society, men and women, associate the concept of beauty with other paradigms such as life and health .

3.- I am a survivor

 In the same way that a diploma qualifies someone who studied at university to practice a profession; the experiences and The physical and emotional scars left by cancer are the greatest distinction for you to become an agent that promotes prevention.

Overcome and move on

Create awareness and free yourself, without a doubt in your hands there are many knowledge and tools.

4.- Opportunity to create awareness around you

 Do not be afraid to talk to others about what happened to you, put in practice initiatives that help raise awareness in others. Your testimony of struggle and life can be the best gift for those around you, and at the same time, when you speak, you will release your fears and sadness.

5.- The strength of being a woman

 The closed wound that rests on a woman’s chest speaks more of her strength and courage than of her beauty. Such a scar is synonymous with courage and victory, so there is no reason to feel bad. Focus your thoughts on your entire body that yearns to continue living with joy.

6.- Women who have decided to share their scar

 Cancer, in all its variables, is a devastating disease that transforms both the affected person and their families. Cancer is suffering, it is pain, it is fear of death, it is transformation of the body.

Faced with this overwhelming truth, there are many who affirm that making a pink ribbon the symbol for cancer prevention does not portray the cruelty that hides behind this disease.

Breast cancer is not just a pink ribbon

One such person is the American photographer David Jay, who wanted to show the implications of cancer that strikes women, through the Scar Project ) that has caused such a stir that it has resulted in the publication of the book Breast Cancer is not a pink ribbon.

Jay explains that his goal is to use his camera lens to show the physical and emotional effects of this disease that “is horrible, disfiguring and deadly.” His idea is to give viewers a more realistic perspective “an honest and intimate door to life, away from plain pink ribbons,” he said.

If you survived breast cancer, you have a reason to be grateful and look forward: to be alive . So go ahead and take advantage of this new opportunity with those who love you.

After the cancer is overcome, the scar must be assumed as a victory

We want you to smile


In front of the mirror. We know that seeing yourself reflected in the glass became a difficult task. Now your gaze is focused solely on that irregular line that brings up unpleasant memories for you.

You may even feel unattractive and that your life as a couple is harmed by your refusal to be seen stripped of your clothes,  and we absolutely understand it. But we want to tell you that there are several alternatives after having undergone a mastectomy.

The most popular are reconstruction of the bust through breast prostheses, specialized treatment to reduce the scar and beautiful tattoos.

In the case of tattoos, more and more women are encouraged to choose wonderful designs to disguise the scar and send a message of optimism and courage .

The photo that accompanies this publication is of Megan Hartman, who in 2014 decided to put herself in the hands of artist Joy Rumore who knew how to honor Megan’s femininity. The photography participated in a New York gallery and gained a lot of popularity.

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