8 Girl Names Inspired By Literature

Literature has a lot of influence on its readers. So much so that, sometimes, they decide to name their children after their favorite literary character.
8 girl names inspired by literature

Choosing the name of the baby who is on the way is sometimes not easy. The passion for literature has made many families look to it for inspiration and have used the names of their favorite characters from the books to name their future child.

Although they are still widely used, girl names are increasingly more original and are chosen outside the circle of the most common names that have been heard so far. Next, we leave you a series of girl names inspired by literature that will help you decide on the name of your future little girl.

Girl names inspired by literature

1. Helen, by Helen of Troy

Without a doubt, Helen of Troy is one of the best known literary characters, despite the passing of the years. Helena is one of the protagonists of the world-famous Greek epic The Iliad, written by Homer.

Girl names inspired by literature.

Helena represents Greece and the feminine ideals of that time. Without a doubt, it is one of the most used literature-inspired girl names.

2. Alice, by Alice in Wonderland

Alicia is another of the most used literature-inspired girl names and which also has its origin in the Greek language, just like Helena.

The meaning translated into Spanish of this name is ‘true’ or ‘true’. Without a doubt, this name began to become fashionable as a result of the story published by Lewis Carrol,  and even more after the Disney movie of this story.

We all associate the protagonist as a girl with a great imagination and big dreams, so if you want your daughter to live up to this name, don’t hesitate to use it for her.

3. Isabel, by Isabel Allende

Among the names of girls inspired by literature there is also room for the authors of this literature. More specifically, we are talking about Isabel’s name referring to one of the best known authors in the literary world worldwide, such as Isabel Allende.

Isabel Allende is known as the most widely read living writer in the world of the Spanish language,  and has received numerous awards throughout her career.

The meaning of this name is ‘health and beauty’, and it is only when pronouncing it this sweetness of which we speak already begins to appear.

4. Julieta, one of the best known girl names inspired by literature, specifically in  Romeo and Juliet,

The love tragedy written by William Shakespeare also inspires today when it comes to choosing names for girls. Juliet is the protagonist of this love story whose end we all would have liked not to be so tragic.

However, the protagonist stands out for fighting for what she wants, as well as for being a romantic. In this sense, the name Julieta is linked to a strong personality and sensitivity. 

More girl names inspired by literature

5. Anne, by Anna Karenina or The Diary of Anne Frank

Another of the most common and used names for girls is Ana,  the name of the protagonists of two world-renowned books such as Anna Karenina and The Diary of Anne Frank. Two different stories with two totally different protagonists, but both with outstanding values.

6. Emma, ​​by Madame Bovary and Jane Austen

During the nineteenth century, Emma was one of the names that come, and they do it to stay, since today it is a very common name. The reason why this name was consolidated was the publication of two novels:  Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert, and Emma, by Jane Austen, both of which became world bestsellers .

Girl names inspired by literature.

Girl names inspired by the latest literature

7. Katniss, The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games  is one of the most successful science fiction and adventure trilogies dedicated to teenage audiences since the publication of its first book in 2008.

The claw, strength and struggle shown by Katniss, one of the protagonists of this trilogy, have made many families, especially in the United States, have chosen to call their daughters the same way.

8. Daenerys, Game of Thrones

Daenerys Targaryen is one of the protagonists of the most successful series of novels in history, such as A Song of Ice and Fire, and of the television series that is currently in its last season, Game of Thrones .

Without a doubt, the name Daenerys will be one of the most used in the coming years, especially in the United States, since there the fanaticism for this series of books is totally amazing.

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