Breastfeeding In Public, The New Controversy

Breastfeeding is a right and you shouldn’t hold yourself back anywhere when your child is hungry!
Breastfeeding in public, the new controversy

Breastfeeding in public, for some mothers, is as normal as drinking a glass of water. If your child needs to eat there is no qualm about satiating him wherever you are or in front of who you are, your child comes first! If you have to breastfeed in public, let it not be the new controversy for you.

Many do not even look to see if someone looks at them, because simply nothing matters when faced with the need to provide food for the child they carry in their arms. However, for other mothers the idea of ​​breastfeeding in public is more controversial. Whether you are from one group or another, in Eres Mamá we bring you some tips.

Why not breastfeed in public?

During the first 6 months of life, breast milk is an irreplaceable food. The child needs to receive from his mother first the colostrum and then the milk that provides him with nutrients and immunizes him against the viruses and diseases to which he is exposed.

A little one needs to feed every 3 hours on average and take the naps that follow those moments. Hence, the street is not an ideal place for mother to breastfeed or for him to rest, because neither of them, in the middle of the crowd, can feel comfortable or calm.

The exterior is invaded by pathogens of all kinds that find in the child a suitable victim to infect. That is why it is not recommended that babies leave their homes unless it is extremely necessary. Although of course, this can be avoided on some occasions and not on others, therefore, if you cannot avoid it, look at the following tips.

woman breastfeeding her child

Why breastfeed in public?

The act of breastfeeding is natural. All mammals feed their young in this way and humans, even though they differ greatly from other species, still belong to the animal world. There is no need to be ashamed of one of the most sublime qualities that nature itself gave.

That is why, dear reader, we recommend that you try not to take your baby out of the house if it is not extremely necessary, but, if you cannot avoid it and you have to go with him to the street, do not hesitate, not for a moment, to feed him when he asks you to.

Breastfeeding in public is your right

Let neither modesty nor what others think will stop you. To do this, keep these considerations in mind, and the next time you have to do it, do not feel bad and much less guilty … society must see it as something normal!

  • Find discreet places to breastfeed. A little corner that is not very crowded and you can be as calm as possible
Breastfeeding in public is a must
  • If you are very embarrassed, choose to cover yourself with a cloth or bring your child as close as possible before lifting the breast and do the same when he finishes sucking. Ah! never keep your child covered while breastfeeding. Remember that breastfeeding is an exercise in love, a bond between the parties, and this relationship tends to take hold when mother and child can see each other.
  • Wear shirts designed especially for breastfeeding or a comfortable blouse that gives you the ability to push your breast out without having to completely expose yourself. A low-cut blouse can also be a garment that serves two functions: to make you look beautiful and to make it easier for you to push your chest out without having to lift your blouse from the waist.

    Free your Mind!

    Free your mind and relax as much as possible trying to ignore the inquiring stares of the retrogrades. Keep in mind that for your milk to come down you need your brain to release enough oxytocin: “the lactation hormone.”

    Remember also that through breast milk your child can perceive your emotional state. If you are impatient, self-conscious, nervous or uncomfortable, you will convey that to him and make him nervous and start crying. So, from now on, don’t worry about breastfeeding your baby anywhere, it’s your right! If someone is bothered, it is as easy as not looking at you and leaving you alone.

    What are the specific areas for breastfeeding in public spaces?

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