How To Fight Baby Rashes?

The skin is the largest organ of the human being and, although its care is essential in all stages of life, during childhood it is crucial. 
How to fight baby rashes?

During the first months of life, human skin is characterized by being very soft and smooth. Now, this softness makes it delicate and requires a series of special care, even to deal with the inevitable baby rashes, but how to combat them?

First of all, it must be borne in mind that a baby’s skin cannot be cared for in the same way as that of an adult. Therefore, it is essential to look for products especially indicated for your age or those expressly prescribed by the pediatrician.

It is essential to avoid products that contain fragrances and other substances that can cause irritations, allergies and other problems. However, there are other measures that must be met. 

Baby rashes, what are they and why do they appear?

Baby rashes are very common skin rashes. Being similar to dermatitis or erythema, they can be seen in the form of small pimples or hives caused by various causes.

However, dermatitis and rashes in babies usually occur in newborns because, after delivery, their skin begins a process of adaptation to the environment outside the womb, as well as their body must adapt to new foods.

However, in most cases, these conditions manifest up to about 3 years of age ; stage in which redness, rashes with the appearance of blisters with or without pus, itching and even fever in some cases can be perceived on the baby’s skin.

Most common causes of baby rashes

  • Dermatitis.
  • Excess heat.
  • The rubbing of the diaper.
  • Nutritional deficit.
  • Premature introduction of certain foods in the diet.
  • Use of garments made from synthetic fibers, which do not allow perspiration.
  • Contact with chlorine (for example, when bathing in a pool).
  • Contact with products that contain aggressive chemicals (creams, shampoos, soaps, perfumes, etc.).

Fight baby rashes

A good way to end baby rashes is to apply over-the-counter pediatric creams or powders. In general, doctors advise this type of product, but if in doubt, it is best to consult directly with the professional. 

The ideal would be to avoid prolonged use of diapers since, even when they absorb moisture, they prevent the skin from breathing properly. For this reason, it is important that parents are attentive and regularly change their baby’s diaper and also allow them to go without it for a while.

Specialists also advise lukewarm baths without chlorine, as well as cleaning with neutral soaps, without perfumes or fragrances. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the child’s diet, for which it is best to breastfeed as it strengthens defenses and provides nutrients.

Finally, experts recommend not exposing the little one to places that may be contaminated, ventilated with air conditioning or where there are smokers, as well as they suggest avoiding tense environments in their environment where arguments, stress or rush reign.


Is it advisable to use natural remedies?

No. Unless the pediatrician indicates it, it is not a good idea to resort to natural remedies to treat the conditions of the little ones, since they can be counterproductive. We must not forget that children are much more vulnerable (in every sense, not only in terms of skin) than an adult and that we must be cautious at all times.

The fact that natural remedies have a plant origin does not mean that they are harmless. Therefore, you should always consult your pediatrician before acting. 

In some cases, to combat baby rashes, doctors may suggest the application of pediatric products with chamomile (given its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties) and rarely the use of compresses with the infusion of this plant.

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