11 Ideal Stories For Children According To Their Age

11 ideal stories for children according to their age

Penelope Leach says that “ it is never too early to share a book with children. If we wait for them to know how to read to do so, it is as if we waited for him to know how to speak to speak to him. That is why we want to show you today a series of ideal stories according to their age.

In this article we will show you the keys that the stories you read to your little one should have. We will also offer you a series of titles for children ranging from 0 to 3 years old. However, remember that if you do it with love and good taste, every story will enchant your child as long as you tell it.

What are the ideal stories for children for?

According to experts, there is no better way to stimulate children’s love of reading than stories. Of course, as we have already mentioned, they must be appropriate according to the age group in which your child is.

Remember that no matter how much the experts say, you can tell stories to your little one at any age. Some will tell you that from the day they are born, others that from 6 months. The important thing is that you start when you start, you do it with all the love in the world.

When you are with your baby, do you stop singing to him from day one? So why not tell him ideal stories for him? After all, a song or a lullaby is still a little story in itself.

In addition, talking a lot with the baby, telling stories, reading or singing helps the child to become familiar with our voice soon and learn that it helps them to comfort themselves in bad times and calm down when they have pain or problems.

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How to tell the ideal story for the baby

Physical contact with the child is necessary from the first minute of his life. Thus, the best way to tell the ideal story to the baby is by holding it, in our lap. This is how the stories will reach him in a more intimate way.

Also, if you are reading the story from a book, it is good that the boy can touch it, play with it, become familiar and have it close enough so that he can enjoy the drawings and illustrations. This way you will better discover the environment around you, such as images, sounds, touch, etc.

Remember to read aloud, clearly. It is important that the little one listens to the story well. In addition, it is necessary to have a calm demeanor in order to shape the tone according to the needs of the story. It is good to interpret to provoke emotions and reactions in the little one.

It is important that the length of the story does not exceed 10 minutes, especially during the stage from 0 to 3 years. Children have a hard time paying attention and staying focused for long periods of time. Moreover, if you notice that he does not pay much attention, do not despair, it is normal. You don’t have to give up. It is time to be very persistent.

How the storybook should be

If you are going to read the story to him, remember certain details. That is, it must be resistant so that the little one can manipulate it. Also, the illustrations have to be large and bright to attract your attention.

It is also important to have short phrases, onomatopoeia, rhymes, etc. It is necessary that the text be short, simple and clear, with simple language. If the typeface is big, so much the better, and if it has real photos or different textures, it will be great.

What are the ideal stories for children from 0 to 3 years old?

When selecting the ideal story for a baby from 0 to 3 years old, always think first of the classics. Any text like “The Frog Prince”, “Cinderella”, “Snow White”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Pinocchio”, “Rapunzel” etc. they are great.

children enjoying a book

You can choose to tell the child the Disney version, the most widespread. But you can also search for the originals. The true original version of greats like the Grimms, Collodi, etc. That is, those who once saw the light before softening with the times. His morals are very helpful.

In addition, you can choose many options that there are today. “The gluttonous little caterpillar”, by Kókinos, any of the “Collection from the Moon to the Cradle” by Kalandraka, the “Collection toque, toque” by Combel, “Ya arrived” by Patio or the “Tris-tras Collection” by Bruño.

Any of these stories will be perfect for your baby to entertain himself, have a good time and learn to touch textures, see drawings and photographs, learn customs of daily life, internalize values ​​and have a good laugh with you.

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