How To Get Your Child To Eat Healthy

How to get your child to eat healthy

Many countries in the world are characterized by having an excellent, rich, varied and healthy diet. However, the majority of the inhabitants of the planet have changed a diet full of healthy foods, to include junk food as part of the usual family diet. The fact that a family eats healthy responds to a habit that lasts over time, which you must instill in your child through your example.

There are some tips you can follow if you want to get your child to eat healthy; one of them is that you must learn this good habit from the age of five to seven. From the age of ten, it will be a little more difficult to get him to change his habits when choosing his food.

It is recommended that they eat vegetables prepared in very different ways, so that they are discovering and trying different flavors associated with healthy food. Serving him the same bowl of broccoli every other day will only cause him to develop a rejection of the veggie. You can cook it for example one day with béchamel, another with cheese, then puree and so on so that they like it. The same happens with fruit, giving the same thing all the time for a snack or lunch can get boring or make you lose interest.

Sometimes children imitate their parents when it comes to eating, for example “Since my dad doesn’t like this fruit, neither do I. Mom is not going to tell me anything because he doesn’t eat it either ”, your children may think, that’s why you have to try to avoid assuming your tastes as his.

Eating healthy can be practical

If preparing something healthy takes a lot of time, then the most practical thing is to cook vegetables and legumes in large quantities to freeze and then give them their portion when it comes time. Healthy food, even if frozen, will always be better than resorting to fast food or junk food.

If the child does not like the food that is there that day, negotiate with him, you can ask him to eat less than the others. You will see that the family does like them and that it is normal and common to eat healthy. It does not matter that you eat little one day, because the good thing about this experience is that you will assimilate it as a good family habit.

Nutrition specialists recommend that foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, among others, be present on the children’s menu on a daily basis. These must provide 55% of the total energy consumed by the child. Hydrates are essential not only for energy expenditure, but also for growth. That is why it must be the main group in the children’s diet, above proteins and fats.

Let’s not forget that when the child does not like something, it must be respected. It is not the same that you do not like artichokes than vegetables in general. In that case, the food becomes a whim and the whims are for special family situations. But, if one day he comes home and goes straight to the fridge to look for the chocolate shake that he likes so much, you can tell him that there is none there that day and instead offer him dark chocolate in bars, pickles or any other food as a reward. .

Healthy habits last over time

And do not forget that legumes are also very rich in nutrients. You can introduce them to them little by little, that will expand their menu, which is convenient because legumes should be eaten at least twice a week.

A healthy and simple food that children love is bread. To the extent that you know how to chew better, it should be introduced into some food. It is recommended that it be white bread, since whole wheat bread is not advisable before 7 years of age due to its irritating action on the digestive tract of infants.

Try to instill healthy habits in your child, try to explain what foods their food has and what they are good for. Cook some time with their help and take advantage of that moment to teach him the importance of eating healthy.

And eating healthy should always be something fun for the family, not a torture that involves consuming tasteless food, put a little imagination and variety in the way of preparing and presenting food; This can be achieved while still cooking healthy. Spice up the food and you will see how your child eats it all.

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