What To Evaluate To Choose A Kindergarten

What to evaluate to choose a kindergarten

Sooner or later your baby must go to kindergarten or daycare ; This last option is taken especially when mothers must comply with extended working hours as soon as their maternity leave ends. However, the garden is a choice that appears when the child is at least two years old.

In both cases, doubts almost always arise as to what aspects to evaluate when choosing the best option for the baby. This article addresses some of the points that you should not lose sight of when choosing the best kindergarten you can.

In the first instance, you must analyze why and why your baby is going to enter kindergarten. The most advisable thing is to enroll him from 2 years of age, mainly because before that his immune system has not matured enough to defend himself from all the infectious attacks of the period prior to 2 years.

All parents want to choose the best garden or nursery for their little one. For that to happen, you first have to think about whether the institution where you plan to enroll it is really what you are looking for.

There are some very specific questions to evaluate before enrolling the baby such as the physical space, how many teachers will be in charge of each group of children and how many students make up a group.

Try to choose those institutions that have small groups, between 10 or 12 children, it is also important to know what activities they are going to develop throughout the week, what areas of learning they give priority to and how they approach them and, of course, the issues related to care and safety.

It is also vital that the garden you choose is close to your place of residence so that the little one does not have to travel for a long time on a school route.

Some precise guidelines for choosing a good kindergarten

  • Look for referrals to the school from other people such as trusted relatives or friends.
  • See if the place has appropriate facilities to avoid very common accidents among young children and if they do occur, try to find out how they handle these types of cases.
  • The price is also important, take care of your pocket and analyze if the family budget is in line with school spending, if not, visit other options that fit the budget and remain of quality.
  • When you visit them, see if the place has adequate dining rooms and menus that invite you to enjoy a healthy and complete meal.

    Look beyond the garden

    There are some more subjective aspects that have to do with the place where we imagine the child having a good time; These include whether the families that are already part of that educational community are similar to yours, if they share values ​​or tastes, how they communicate with each other …

    Beyond the objective data, it is very positive to pay attention to other questions that are more intuitive and that have more to do with your perception of the place. When you go to visit the garden, go with your baby to see how he reacts, how he looks and if he thinks he will be able to enjoy his stay there.

    When the time comes to meet with the director of the institution, it is good to clarify the points that the family considers essential. If possible, write them down, so you can make sure you satisfy your doubts and decide by consensus what you will do as a family through meetings with your partner.

    It is highly recommended that you and your partner sit down and live in the educational community, since establishing ties and commitments with the garden is that they will be able to enhance the positive aspects and help alleviate the negative ones, if any.

    A rejection posture can be normal in the child during the first 15 days of entering the kindergarten or institute. Do not forget that he is only separating from you for long periods of time and that process is not easy, it can even affect both of you.

    However, if after that time the rejection by the child persists, it is advisable that you make a surprise visit to the kindergarten to observe what is disturbing the child; This may have to do with a very strict or unloving teacher even with aggressive children …

    Obviously if these aspects are taken into account, about which you can openly discuss as a family, you can choose the best option so that the child can have fun and learn and that you can take care of other activities with complete peace of mind.

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