6 Places To See Dinosaurs In Spain

Who lived in Spain millions of years ago? We invite you to visit these wonderful places where you can see the footprint left by the dinosaurs while enjoying with the whole family.
6 places to see dinosaurs in Spain

Are your little ones fascinated by dinosaurs? Do they have them on toys, on the walls of the room, do they draw them and watch movies about them? Then give them a beautiful surprise and organize a visit to any of the following places to see dinosaurs in Spain.

There are different types of sites to discover more about these wonderful animals: museums, fossil beds, theme parks and even vestiges in natural and protected sites. You will see the happy faces when you take them to one of them!

Dinosaurs in Spain: traces of the prehistoric past of the peninsula

The idea is to propose an experience called “dinosaur tourism” and plan a fun and educational trip to one of the following incredible places to see dinosaurs in Spain.

Paleontologist child

Jurassic Museum of Asturias

On the Atlantic coast, between Ribadesella and Gijón, is the “Coast of the Dinosaurs”, a series of deposits found on the beaches and that have traces of a great variety of dinosaurs.

The MUJA (Museum of the Jurassic of Asturias) is the place where the findings are exhibited and a constant work of scientific and educational dissemination is done on the dinosaurs that inhabited this area. In addition, the museum offers activities for children, such as games, puppets and field trips to see the tracks of prehistoric animals in situ.

Dinópolis Territory, in Teruel

In the autonomous community of Aragon, the Aragosaurus , the first Spanish dinosaur, was discovered . For this reason, in this part of Spain so much impetus and importance has been given to paleontology.

A set of dinosaur theme parks has been devised here that has become one of the most spectacular places where children can learn more about these fascinating creatures.

In the city of Teruel is the main park, “Dinópolis”,  where the Paleontological Museum is located, the Saurio Park with impressive replicas, dinosaur sculptures in Tierra Magna and even simulators and a Tyrannosaurus Rex robot .

Dinópolis Territory is completed with the following centers:

  • Legendark, in Galve.
  • Ambarina Region, Rubielos de Mora.
  • Inhóspitak, in Peñarroya de Tastavins.
  • Stone Forest, in Castellote.
  • Mar Nummus, in Albarracín.
  • Titania, in Riodeva.
  • Valcaria, in Ariño.

Cuenca Dinosaur Route

In the Cuenca mountains there is a complete itinerary to meet the dinosaurs that inhabited the area millions of years ago. The route includes 12 paleontological points of interest that will take you through Mesozoic and Cenozoic times. In this area you will find 3 sites with exhibitions:

  • Cañada del Hoyo Exhibition Center, dedicated to the Las Hoyas site.
  • Fuentes Interpretation Center, related to the Lo Hueco site.
  • Paleontological Museum of Castilla-La Mancha, with numerous dissemination and educational activities.

DinoPark Algar, in Alicante

Half an hour from Altea, on the road to Callosa de Ensarriá, is this theme park with a wide variety of proposals, one of the places to see dinosaurs in Spain that most attracts children.

Here are life-size replicas of the giants of the past, built on robotic models, which even have sounds. You will also find play areas, 3D cinema, paleontological patio and a botanical cactus garden.

The Lost Ravine, in La Rioja

The town of Enciso was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), since 3,000 dinosaur footprints were found in the area.

For this reason, here, where the testimonies of the past are so impressive, the “Paleo-adventure Park” was created, in which recreational activities (swimming pools, solarium and games) are combined, with adventure activities on the “Enchanted Hill” (zip line, slide giant, Tibetan bridges) and educational, with guided tours and participation in paleontological research and workshops.

Route of the Icnitas, in Soria

The Highlands of Soria were millions of years ago a region inhabited by a large number of dinosaurs. Inescapable testimony of this presence are the ichnites, which are the traces of their fossilized tracks. It is ideal to go with children, visit the sites and find huge sculptures on the walk to take incredible photographs!

Dinosaur footprint from one of the places in Spain.

To do this, we offer you these replica locations as a guide:

  • Source Lacorte-El Frontal : Allosaurus dinosaur .
  • Miraflores : diplodocid dinosaur.
  • Santa Cruz : Stegosaurus dinosaur .
  • Villar del Río : Iguanodon dinosaur .

Places to see dinosaurs in Spain and enjoy and learn as a family

In the Iberian Peninsula there are traces of the presence of dinosaurs in innumerable places. Consequently, the offer of places is varied and very interesting. On the other hand, this is a type of rides that children love, since these huge and mysterious animals are the protagonists of many stories, legends, movies and books, and they want to see them up close, even if they are replicas or just of their bones or footprints.

Without a doubt, it is an experience to do as a family, to share, learn and know much more about the oldest history of this wonderful country.

Plan a tourist itinerary to any of the places to see dinosaurs in Spain! You will see that in all of them you will find activities so that children can have fun and spend a day among their favorite giants.

My son loves dinosaurs!

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