Do You Know The Kassing Method?

Do you know the Kassing method?

Today we are going to know what exactly the Kassing method is. Discover its utilities and how to put it into practice. Say before starting that it mainly benefits the little ones. Let’s go with it!

What is the Kassing method

The Kassing method is a bottle-feeding technique. It is considered a breastfeeding technique in which it is sought that when giving the baby a bottle, he feels the same experience as if he were taking milk directly from his mother’s breast.

It is a method that was created by Dr. Dee Kassing years ago. He is focused on finding a very natural way to bottle feed. What is important here is to stimulate latching to ensure that the bottle is not an obstacle to breastfeeding.

This method will ensure that if the mother begins to give him a bottle, and then wants to breastfeed because he still has milk, she can do it perfectly.

It should be borne in mind that if the baby gets used to taking from the bottle, in such a way that it does not involve any effort, it will be more difficult for him to return to natural breastfeeding. Even the little one may refuse the breast because he already prefers the bottle. But precisely to prevent this, Dee Kassing invented this method that consists of simulating the conditions of grasping and sucking that occur with the mother’s breast.

Special features of the baby bottle

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Keep in mind that the bottle is an excellent option. But if you prefer a mixed breastfeeding system, you will have to resort to this method. It must be considered that when giving milk, a series of aspects must be taken into account in the bibe.

The bottle requires good hygiene habits during use. Otherwise, bacterial infections can develop, so it is essential to take care of cleaning methods.

Among the advantages of using a bottle is the fact that it will be much easier for your baby to suckle, since he will not have to use suction force or effort to get the milk he needs.

To put the Kassing method into practice, the type of nipple that we are going to use must be taken into account. It should be completely round, while anatomical nipples should be avoided. They are slow-flowing, with a narrow and soft base, and about 2 centimeters long.

So now you know, you will need to buy a straight bottle, not a curved one. Keep in mind that the problem with straight bottles is that they make it harder for the milk to flow out. This causes the baby to work harder to breastfeed.

In addition, as we say, the nipple must be round. This way you make it look as close as possible to the shape of the mother’s nipple. It will also need to be long, so that you can touch the point where the hard and soft palate meet. The same happens during breastfeeding.

The nipple should be slow-flowing, as this will take longer for the milk to flow. In this way the baby must try harder, as he would with the mother’s breast. It will also take longer to finish feeding the bottle. However, this has benefits, because you will get him to digest more slowly, since the intake is done more gradually.

The posture to give the bottle

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And if the nipple is important, it is no less important to take into account the position we must have when giving the bottle. For breastfeeding to be done under this method, the baby must be as sitting and upright as possible. Meanwhile, the bottle should be as horizontal as possible.

In this way we will be able to reduce the effect of gravity. Then the baby will have to exert himself in the same way as if he had to breastfeed. In addition, this is how he will be the one who controls the speed and amount of milk he ingests. To achieve this it is advisable to place the baby at a 90 degree angle. You will have to put your hand on the head and neck and the other on the bottle. Remember that it is always in a horizontal position so that the milk does not reach the mouth directly.

Finally, remember that some lactation experts recommend taking it instead of a bottle with syringes or teaspoons. This is not recommended. But if you must resort to it, remember that the best way to do it is through the Kassing method.

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