How Dirty Play Affects Child Development

Discovering how playing dirty affects child development shows us a new dimension to learn that the fact that children get dirty, contrary to what many think, is not only not bad, but is even positive.
How Playing Dirty Affects Child Development

Many parents ask (some even demand it) that their children, when they are picked up after school, be perfectly groomed and clean. So is it possible to play dirty? Not entirely, since, in many cases, adults, caregivers and monitors are more aware that the little ones do not get stained and less that they really enjoy themselves as what they are, children.

How many times have we heard mothers and fathers say to their children “don’t sit on the ground; be careful that you are going to get your clothes dirty or have you gotten lost “ ? In fact, it is so common that we have become used to it and even do it ourselves.

However, is it really good to prevent our children from getting dirty at all times and having to be careful not to stain their clothes? It is sure that moms and dads do it for the good of the child, but is it really necessary and good? Let’s see next.

Play get dirty

Girl jumping in puddles because she knows that the balance between order and creativity is very important.

While hygiene is always important, it is also important to enjoy without worry. Remember that during the stage of child development one of the ways that the child has to learn is through play.

The game by the little ones includes various elements, among which exploration stands out . As it is popularly said, “to make an omelette you have to break some eggs . In this case, we can say that something similar happens. For the little one to explore, browse and learn, they need to get dirty, get dirty, dip their hands in flour.

So dirt is going to be part of child development. And is that, do you know any child who does not stain when he eats, when he paints, when he does anything for the first time?

It is normal for children to be curious, get dirty, lie on the ground, put objects in their mouths … We, as parents, must be aware that what they do is not dangerous, not so much that their clothes are not damaged or stain it, since that is part of their development, their learning and, ultimately, their happiness.

How does playing dirty affect the child?

Without a doubt, the effects are always positive. A child who gets dirty, since he is not aware that his clothes are well, has had a great time. Therefore, we find various benefits.


The child is an explorer by nature. It is their way of prying and learning. For this reason, if the little one has gotten lost playing with clay, with paint, even with food or other elements, he has, in turn, been learning.


It’s certainly fun for him. The little one plays carefree by staining or ruining his clothes. That is usually synonymous with having a great time enjoying the game.


In addition, this unconcern also favors the child from a creative point of view. Try, try, touch, stain … All of this empowers you to enhance your creativity.


Interestingly, by allowing children to get dirty, touch an animal or do this kind of thing, we also make their health improve, since their immune system is strengthened.

Now, we have to understand this aspect for what it is. In other words, it is efficient if done with common sense. It is not good that children are always dirty or that they can do everything. You just have to know that, if you are raised with a pet, you will hardly develop an allergy to animal hair, for example. But at the end of the day they will need their corresponding shower.

Little girl painting and exploring her creativity.

When it comes to playing dirty …

In short, answering the question, we can say that the way that playing dirty affects children’s development is positive, since they feel freer to experiment, browse and, ultimately, learn.

For this reason, we consider it interesting, whenever the occasion facilitates it and from a logical point of view and with common sense, to allow the little ones to stain their clothes without suffering worries and so on.

Likewise, we always have the option of letting the boys wear torn, old clothes or clothes that can get stained while playing and having fun. Or, failing that, we can also opt for the classic babis, which were always useful so that the little ones do not spoil their daily outfits.

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