Long Car Trips: 5 Ideas To Entertain Children

How to spend long car trips with children in the best possible way? Here are some good ideas to put into practice.
Long car trips: 5 ideas to entertain children

Long car trips can be tedious for everyone, but especially for children, who are often the first to ask the typical question  “is there a long way to go?”

When this phrase, or a similar one, is repeated over and over again, an atmosphere of discomfort and despair is created that affects both adults and children.

To prevent this from happening, and with the intention of making road trips more enjoyable for everyone, we have put together the following article in which we offer some good ideas for entertaining children in these situations.

Long car trips: 5 ideas to entertain children

Child watching a movie on the tablet, one of the activities to do during long car trips.

1. Playing the V alphabetical ravel

The V Alphabetical ravel is a very simple game that involves, from a letter of the selected alphabet haphazardly, pay attention to all objects that begin with that letter and look along the drive.

Each time one of the participants visualizes something that begins with the letter in question, they must say the word aloud and make a point.   After a time, previously established, a count is made and the one with the most points obtained wins.

2. Playing P alabras chained

This classic game is ideal for entertaining children on long car trips.  To start playing, you must first determine the order of participation.

Next, the first player must say a word, whichever he wants, and the next player must say another word that begins with the letter in which the last word spoken was ending.   This process is repeated until one of the participants mentions any of the words previously said or runs out of ideas.

3. Watch a movie

For long car trips, electronic devices, such as laptops, cell phones or tablets  can be great allies. Because, thanks to them, children can be entertained and have fun watching a movie previously chosen by their parents.

It is not that the little ones keep all the way pending a screen, but it must be recognized that it is a good resource to use during a certain period of time.

4. Sing songs together in the car

This is a typical custom for many families, and it really is a great idea for long road trips. And, what could be more fun than choosing catchy music and singing with the children at the top of their lungs?

Boy sitting in the trunk of the car before taking a long trip with his parents.

5. Tell a family story, a great idea to spend long car trips

Another good idea to liven up this type of trip is to tell or make up a story all together. This, in addition to being beneficial to stimulate creativity and strengthen family ties, is also useful to have a good time with the family and forget about the hours that you still have to stay in the car.

How to cope with long car trips with children?

Many mothers and fathers worry, or even feel stressed, just thinking about taking long car trips with their children.

In these cases, what should be done, instead of wasting energy focusing on these negative thoughts, is to plan well what is going to be done with the little ones during the duration of the journey. For which, several of the aforementioned ideas can be combined or include some others.

It should be borne in mind that it is more difficult for children than adults to stay in one place for many hours and do nothing. Therefore, you have to be understandable and try to make this unusual situation as bearable as possible.

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