When Is It Safe To Sit The Baby?

The ability to sit alone is a very important aspect of children’s psychomotor development. Learn how to help your child do it and when is the right time to do it below.
When is it safe to seat the baby?

There is a belief that it is risky to sit a baby when he is very young. It is thought that his back may suffer when we sit him very early. However, experts say that each baby is different, and that most seek to move in their own time.

Most babies begin to strain to make new movements. Some positions will not be achieved until they can keep their head straight. It is understood that after six months, the little one can turn while lying down and maintain a certain stability.

Sitting the baby is not a problem if we make sure that he is not forced to hold in that position. To be more sure, it is preferable to wait six months, however, it is common for us to sit in the car seat or swing. In this sense, the main recommendation is that you are not in danger of falling and always be watched.

Each baby develops according to their metabolism and especially in these times that children learn much faster. If a baby sits, it is because he can, regardless of how old he is. It is logical that if he is uncomfortable, he will immediately change his sewing for a more comfortable one.

How do you know if it is safe to sit the baby?

To identify if the child feels discomfort when sitting, it is necessary to observe his tension and discomfort, he will probably try to change his position. However, the main products for babies are designed so that they are safe.

In this matter, it is important to take into account that for the child to be able to sit up without problems, it is necessary that they have passed the following stages.

  • Have been able to roll over to face down or face up
  • That he can raise his head and hold it until a certain time
  • To be able to support yourself with your arms and thus separate the thorax from the ground or the surface it is on. This action will produce a mini flexion that can strengthen your arms and back.

The month in which they fulfill these functions is not decisive when the child is ready. However, it is from four to eight months that these processes occur, which are prior to crawling.

This does not require any type of training, it is preferable that it fulfills this function spontaneously without forcing it. Performing these actions yourself will improve your safety and avoid anxiety and frustration. Also, not allowing the baby to freely explore a certain space could cause stress.

Safer systems to seat the baby

  • Baby carrier or kangaroo. These are designed so that the child has a suitable posture without having to strain the back. For this reason there should be no concern.
  • Car seats. This seat has an arched shape, arched placement allows to distribute the child’s weight in a way that does not damage the back.
  • Chairs to eat. These are not highly recommended to use, although it keeps the child with his back upright, he does not have it aligned. This causes the weight to be placed on the lower back. However, everything will depend on the development of each child. Some have the ability to maintain a likely proper posture and others find it difficult.

Recommendations for sitting the baby

Once the baby has given signs that he is ready to sit, we can sit him for a reasonable time, always with the neck and back supported. We can sit him on our lap and let his back rest on our chest. Also facing us, but taking care to support the back and neck with our hands.

For the child to be able to strengthen his neck, back and arms, a very successful exercise is to put him face down, from above offer him an object. This will cause you to try to lift your head and arms to reach you. This should be done under strict supervision, without forcing him to make any movements that are uncomfortable for him.

Very soon the baby will learn to sit up but resting his arms on the floor. It is advisable to put a sufficiently large and padded carpet on the floor. During these exercises we will evaluate their strength and share unique moments with our babies.

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