6 Beach Games You Can Do With Your Child

If you like the beach … then don’t miss out on these family activities!
6 Games on the beach you can do with your child

Trips to the beach tend to be enjoyed by children; However, as much as they are entertaining, there is always the possibility that the swaying of the waves and seeing so much sand and sea everywhere, make them fall into boredom. So that you have some options with which to entertain your little one during the summer by the sea, today we propose the following activities.

1. Sand castles

The classic sand castles distract both the little ones and the older ones, even the adults. Your child will love using buckets, shovels, and various pots to build with sand to create magnificent castles. If you put effort into this construction site, it can be so beautiful that it deserves to take a photo to remember.

2. The collection of treasures

Finding and collecting treasures from the sea that are found on the coast and the sand is another of the attractions that the beach has. If you ask him to accompany you in this activity, everyone can have a pleasant time looking for shells, snails, stones, logs and all kinds of riches that he will treasure and show to others. It is a game in which in addition to learning about the elements, it will enhance your emotional bond.

3. Burying yourself in the sand

Burying oneself in the sand, if not completely at least from the waist down or one arm, is a game that comes from the ancestors and amuses children a lot. It is as funny to dig the hole as it is to fill it with sand and bury any companion. If you invite your son to do it, he will like to participate with you in the mischief of burying daddy while he sleeps, or at least while pretending to be asleep.

4. Strong with sticks

Making a fort with sticks is another good idea that you can carry out when you are at the beach with your child. For that, they will have to gather some pieces of wood, stones and build a “wall” to block the passage of the waves.

As the tide and the force of the wind on the water there is no one to stop it, the wall will not serve as a containment fort for long, but it will entertain your child for a long time. First, because he will have to get involved in the task of building it and later, because he will spend much of his time trying to save his toys when the water passes through the wall he built to protect them.

5. The throwing of the stone

If the sea is calm, especially in the mornings and before bath time, they can play throwing a stone to touch the water while it flies. This game is common in the lakes because they are calmer, but if they put effort into it, they will be able to do it at sea from time to time.

6. Float and float

If your child is old and knows how to hold his breath, there is a game that, in addition to entertaining him, will relax him. This can also be useful if he is one of those who does not get tired even when he goes to the beach. Ask him to hold his breath, sink his head into the water, lift his feet off the bottom, and let himself be carried away.

The idea is not to make any kind of pressure or maintain any posture. The body will float half on the surface, half under the water, and will be carried away by the waves. In order that the activity is not dangerous if, for example, you and your child float, dad or another trusted person, you should stay in the water, but with the five senses fully functioning to watch.

Some beach things you can bring

When you go with your child to the beach you can take various implements and have fun with:

  • A flying disc
  • An inflatable beach ball
  • A ball to play volleyball
  • Balls

Now, the most important thing of all, whatever activity you choose, is to ensure the safety of the whole family. Remember that children, intoxicated by fun, do not pay much attention to their safety. It is you and the adults with whom you visit the beach who are primarily responsible for your health, well-being and life.

To finish, we have these two tips:

  • If your child is going to play in the sand, take care to put enough sunscreen on him, cover him with an umbrella, hat and glasses.
  • Hydrate him constantly and only give him light food.

Cover image courtesy of BlueOrange Studio

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