What To Do If Your Teenager Wants To Leave Home

What to do if your teenager wants to leave home

Adolescence is a difficult time, both for parents and for an adolescent child. It is a time of constant physical, emotional and mental changes. This is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood.

That is why there are many conflicts between parents and children, and it may be that for children being at home with their parents is a problem, so they decide that the best option would be to leave home and lead a relaxed life.

This supposes an act of rebellion and rejection before the authority that the figure of their parents represents. Leaving is a way of protesting because they feel misunderstood and can be very distressing for parents of teenage children, since in many cases they do not know what to do in this situation.

Reasons a teenager decides to leave home

Almost always this decision is not matured, but the result of a rebellious act and impulsive desires to get away from the situation that overwhelms them without thinking about the consequences that will derive from this action.


Some of the motivations that lead a teenager to leave home can be:

  • In response to an authoritarian style of education, in which parents simply impose their rules. By escaping, they believe they can control the situation.
  • The separation of the parents can also be the trigger for the adolescent to flee from that situation that is unpleasant for him / her.
  • At other times it may be because they feel ashamed for something they have done and make the decision to leave so they do not face what they are ashamed of.
  • For the simple fact of attracting the attention of his parents, because he needs more affection and attention.

The reasons can be very diverse, but the important thing is to know what to do when an adolescent child runs away.

What can I do if my child wants to leave home?

The first thing to be clear about is that an adolescent child does not become rebellious overnight. His rebellion is fueled by conflicts with his parents from which he believes he is victorious.

It is important to know that  how parents act will affect the actions taken by their children. They know perfectly what their parents’ weak points are, and they will not hesitate to threaten them with leaving home if they know that they will give in to their requests.


But parents have to act like one and cannot be intimidated by their children. Putting a series of well-established rules and limits at the right time makes children know that they are under the guardianship of their parents.

This does not mean that we are authoritarian and do not dialogue with our children, but we must know how to do it. It is important to negotiate with them the rules, the consequences of non-compliance with them, as well as to resolve conflicts that arise in the family through dialogue, understanding and understanding.

Empathy, trust and that special connection with teenage children is created little by little. We must not judge or criticize, we must say things, but in the best possible way without humiliating and always also respecting our children.

Suggestions for Improved Relationship and Trust with a Teenager

  • Pay attention when he talks, listen to him.
  • Show respect.
  • Try to understand your child.
  • Do not lecture, say things clearly and concisely.
  • Talk about the emotions and feelings of both of you, how you each feel.
  • Resolving conflicts, talking to them and guiding them to learn from their mistakes.
  • Avoid forcing them to do things our way, let them make mistakes if they have to.
  • Establish clear limits and rules, but not imposed, but discussed and agreed with them. Let them know what and why they have to do things.

The physical and emotional changes revolutionize the human being. Feeling different from others or thinking that you don’t fit in can be very distressing. Talking about the problems with our children and finding the solution can be the key so that they do not feel that way. While it may seem like advice and words of support are useless for our children, they are important. A hug is still the best refuge for a child, no matter how old he is.

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