How To Help Our Child To Be Resilient

How to help our child to be resilient

Sometimes children suffer a traumatic experience in their childhood that affects them greatly. It could be, for example, the death of a relative to whom they were very close, a serious surgical operation or a complex illness. Resilience is the ability of human beings to face difficulties and problems.

Children who suffer from these extreme situations sometimes feel overwhelmed by problems. They do not feel capable of overcoming the situation. Parents have to help them cope with the problem and recover quickly.

That is why many specialists believe that we have to teach our children to be resilient. It is about learning to overcome through guidance, behaviors and examples. Resilience can become one of your weapons when facing all adversities and problems that arise in life.

If the children do not improve and feel that they cannot cope with the problems, we will have to consult a pediatrician or child psychologist. Sometimes it can turn into something more serious if it is not treated by a specialist.


Tips to improve resilience

It is important that children have to follow a daily routine because it will create security for them. Children need to know that they are doing their daily tasks like homework or obligations at home well.

But it is also important that they do not become obsessed with them and learn to rest and play. Children have to learn the importance of rest, leisure and exercise.

It is important that children do not maintain a stressful schedule every day in which there is no time to rest or have fun. They don’t have to have until the last minute of the day scheduled. Children will be overwhelmed and have a hard time. Stress in children’s daily lives can also be very negative and can become a problem.

Family and friends

To improve resilience, children need to feel secure in their family and have good friends. For the child to cultivate his resilience, he has to make friends from an early age so that he can share his problems with other children. It is also important that you have a strong family nucleus that is your vital refuge. A child with social and family anchorage will have support to overcome adversity.

A good idea is to try to help children learn to help others at school or at home. Thanks to that attitude they will feel valued and more secure. Children must be encouraged to empathize with those around them. Children have to learn to put themselves in the place of others and understand the suffering of others.

You have to teach them to set goals that they can achieve. You cannot force yourself to get a ten in a subject if it is too difficult for you. It is much better to set realistic and achievable goals. If they don’t, they will be frustrated at the first failure or problem in carrying out their tasks.

Parents have to help them set real goals in their daily life. We have to recognize the achievements of our children always when they are improving in their tasks or even when they are trying.

Positive self-esteem to be resilient


The most important thing to build their resilience is that they learn to cope with their problems. Children have to learn little by little to make decisions for themselves. A positive self-esteem will always help you in your daily life.

A good idea is to teach children to take problems with humor. They have to be able to laugh at their own mistakes. It is good for children to have a positive attitude and to face their problems with optimism.

We also have to teach children to learn to accept changes and overcome them little by little. For example, they may feel overwhelmed by situations such as changes of address, school, a demanding teacher, the arrival of a little brother or a failure in an exam.

If the parents are resilient, the children will see it as an example and will take a positive attitude towards life. If we teach them from an early age to be resilient, children will be able to better face and overcome adversities and problems in life.

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