3 Options For A Woman In Her Unplanned Pregnancy

It is advisable to think hard about the possible consequences of each option.
3 options for a woman in her unplanned pregnancy

The news of an unplanned pregnancy is a great change in a woman’s life. And regardless of your circumstances, you will experience a whole host of new thoughts, feelings and emotions that will turn your world upside down.

An unplanned pregnancy is capable of awakening previously unthinkable emotions . Depending on each woman and her situation, expectations may vary. And, although many women are very happy to receive the news that they are pregnant, for others, the surprise is not pleasant.

Unintended pregnancy: 3 options

Upon the news of an unplanned pregnancy, there are three possible options: have the baby and raise it, put it up for adoption, or abort. Each of these options has its benefits but also its consequences, therefore, it is essential to evaluate them conscientiously and carefully (and if possible, in conjunction with a professional, either a psychologist or the GP).

Some women seem clear about their decision, but everything can change after overcoming the initial shock. After confirming the pregnancy, it is a good idea to speak with a counseling specialist to help manage the situation .

1. Be a mother

Breast milk is the first vaccine.

This is the most frequently taken option. Even when the pregnancy has not been planned, it is received with good disposition and it is accepted with pleasure and responsibility .

It is advisable to consider the answers to the following questions before making the final decision to become a mother.

  • Have we been a victim of rape?
  • Has the pregnancy occurred due to the lack or misuse of methods contraceptives ?
  • If there is a possibility that the father of the child will respond , can we and do we want to go ahead with the pregnancy?
  • Can I financially cover the pregnancy? Will the father be able to help? Does the family commit to providing some financial support?
  • In the case of not having a home, can we solve it?
  • Do I know of any government aid programs?
  • What will become of us in the future? Will we have the opportunity to study or learn a trade in order to work and support ourselves?
  • We want to be single mothers ?
  • Are we qualified to raise a child?

It should be noted that, in the vast majority of cases, mothers can get by with the right support. Hence the importance of not rushing, consult with your family doctor, psychologist and those closest to you.

2. Put the child up for adoption

Processing of the adoption application: evaluation of the parents by a psychologist

Raising a baby is not an option that many women can take, therefore, they decide to give it in adoption . It is not an easy decision, but in many cases it can be the most responsible option , such as when the mother does not have housing or resources to take care of the baby.

When a pregnancy has not been planned and there are also physical, psychological or financial impediments, adoption is presented as a valid option. In these cases, psychological assistance to the mother will be essential throughout the process. 

Sometimes the decision to put the child up for adoption has to do with the mother’s youth. Unfortunately, in many countries there are large numbers of girls who are barely 12 years old and who are already pregnant; generally, by violation .

An unplanned pregnancy is a situation in which you must seek professional support and also support from loved ones.

3. Abort

Making this decision is not easy. It is one of the most stigmatized procedures by society and controversial on a moral level. However, in certain circumstances it can be considered as a possible solution to a larger problem. For example, when the doctor detects a disease that can end both the life of the mother and the baby.

From a physical point of view, an abortion involves a series of very high risks and permanent consequences. Therefore, it should never be taken, much less practiced lightly.

Doctors are constantly issuing warnings as they try to provide the best possible advice to patients considering this option. In many cases, by having a better understanding of the procedure, the consequences it has at a physiological level, among other aspects, patients give up this option and seek other solutions.


Faced with an unwanted pregnancy, it is essential to avoid making an impulse decision and seek professional help. Depending on the circumstances, one option or another will be considered. The most important thing is not to put your health (not even emotional) at greater risk and to be well informed.

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