Why Does My Son Fall So Much?

Why does my child fall so much?

Sometimes parents worry more than necessary, but there are cases where our concern is understandable. For example, it is normal for children to fall a lot, but is it normal if my child falls a lot?

Apparently, this has to do with the same independence that each child presents in relation to their development. Some children begin to speak faster than others and their general learning is earlier. Therefore, things that are simple for some may cost a lot for others.

When they start to walk it is just as different between children. If we compare ours with a cousin or friend of the same age, we may find differences that worry us. However, this does not mean that there is cause for alarm. Not everyone will walk at the same time and with the same ability.

Between ten and sixteen months, it is the stage where most babies would begin to walk. Despite this, it is not a standard period; that is, some may do it sooner or later. To be able to walk without falling, you need to practice, therefore, if you fall, it is because you are learning.

When do they learn to walk without falling?

Although there is no exact time frame for them to start walking, it could range from nine months to a year and a half. However, this does not mean that they will immediately learn how to do it. In order for them to walk without falling, they must have fallen several times.

It is normal if it falls too much. However, sometimes this prevents them from learning because they will be afraid, especially if they have hurt themselves. Many children are extremely cautious, therefore they will not walk until they are sure they do not fall.

So, for pediatricians it is normal both that they fall frequently, as well as that they do not. In this regard, it is believed that we would not be so concerned if it never falls, but that is not how it usually happens. The ability to walk is sometimes acquired without our noticing it. However, in some cases it is not fully achieved.

The insecurity with which babies walk is understandable and is part of their learning. It remains for us to accompany them without interfering too much. It takes time to achieve balance. Therefore, we must let them fall while they do so in a safe place and under supervision.

When should I be concerned if my child falls frequently?

Once a baby is 18 months old, most of his abilities have developed so that he can begin to walk smoothly. Its autonomy when walking is widely perceptible. Although it is normal for everyone to learn in due time, by this stage under normal conditions it should have stopped falling.

In this sense, if after the year and a half of age, the baby does not seem to have learned to walk, it is important to consult the pediatrician. Sometimes it is a matter of time, as you may just need more security. However, it is necessary to rule out any problem in the child’s neurological development. The child’s muscle tone, strength, and history are also evaluated.

Children will keep falling for a long time. At around two years of age, falls are still frequent. During childhood, legs with scrapes and bruises are common. However, when they are older children, some red flags are as follows.

  • The child suddenly stops walking well
  • When he is a big child and does not walk in a straight line but leans to one side or the other, he must hold on to avoid falling
  • If we notice that suddenly he does not have strength in his legs, especially if his gait was stable before
  • We observe that he falls frequently and it is painful for him, both walking and falling.

In these cases it is very important to give them our support. In addition, it is essential that we consult a doctor, because an early diagnosis can make a difference.

Let’s avoid constantly scolding him, but don’t try to overprotect him either. Let’s encourage you to practice your confidence and be aware that some are more skilled than others.

General recommendations

Rather than overprotect them, it is convenient to avoid risks. Sometimes accidents from falls are very frequent and can be dangerous. To ensure that there are no dangers, we follow these recommendations.

  • Block access to stairs until the child is over three years old. If it is older and presents these problems, we must also increase the care when we are in high areas.
  • Protect sharp corners and surfaces that could hurt you if you fall. It is convenient to place protectors on the corners of tables or other furniture.
  • Prevent the child from walking in areas where the ground is hard and uneven.

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