Baby’s First Days Of Physical Development

Baby's first days of physical development

As our baby grows, various changes occur in its development. When it is born, it has certain characteristics that are totally natural to the human growth process and that will gradually change. But what are the first days of the baby’s physical development like?

The newborn has a rounded chest, a relatively large head, somewhat short limbs, and a prominent abdomen. It is usually about 50 centimeters and the most common is that it acquires a semi-flexed posture. Regarding their weight, this is usually 3-4 kilograms, the weight of boys being greater than that of girls.

Areas of baby development

The development of the baby is divided into several areas:

  • Cognitive.
  • Language.
  • Physical, such as fine motor skills and gross motor skills.
  • Social.

As the days go by we will be able to see how each one of them evolves.

Baby’s first days of physical development

Naturally, the baby will undergo various changes as time goes on. Not only will he discover the world around him, but little by little he will also get to know himself. In addition, the physical development of the baby begins from the head and from there it spreads to the different parts of the body.

The senses

In the first days of being born, the baby does not know its body. In fact, he is unable to tell where his own body ends and his mother’s begins. Your vision is blurry and you cannot see clearly, so you  can barely see some shadows at a distance of half a meter.

The physical development of the baby is a gradual process.

The child likes to be attracted to toys with lights and sounds, because this relaxes and amuses him. If he starts to fidget, you can talk to him lovingly; It is very important that you feel affection and protection so that your security increases.

The dream

During the first month of life, the baby will spend very little time awake. Most of the day you will be asleep – approximately 16 to 20 hours a day – and you will wake up almost exclusively to eat. In addition, it is normal that while you sleep your breathing is noisy and irregular. Your daytime sleep may be interrupted for 2 to 3 hours for feedings.


Pediatricians often recommend breastfeeding as the only food for the baby in its first month of life. If for some reason the mother is unable to breastfeed the newborn, formula can be given through the bottle. It is not necessary to administer any supplement, unless indicated by your pediatrician.

The maternal bond

Your baby will love being held. When you pick it up, you must be very careful and hold its head well, as it is very delicate. You can walk it through different areas of the house so that it can hear different sounds. The baby will be able to recognize his mother by the smell and, by being in her arms, he will hear the sounds of her heart. At this stage, you will find that crying will be your best resource for attention.

Baby’s weight

During the first week of life, it will most likely not show much growth. It is normal for the baby to lose weight during the first week and then gain weight again. By the end of the week, he will most likely reach the same weight as his birth.

Birth marks

It is very normal for the baby’s head and nose to be flattened after birth, this is one of the consequences of having passed through the pelvis during delivery. On the other hand, the eyes may be swollen and reddish, this will disappear in a matter of a few days. You will also observe how skin color changes to a more natural one.

Babies have numerous reflexes as responses to stimuli

How to develop baby’s fine motor skills

There are a series of activities during the physical development of the baby that will help you improve the fine motor skills of your child from 0 to 4 months. This is directly linked to their arm-mouth and eye-ear coordination.

  • Allowing the baby to put non-dangerous objects in his mouth and suck on them.
  • Facing the child, without obstructing his visual field, he moves his face, speaking to him in different tones and emitting different sounds. If he stops following the movement of your face, try again to get his attention.
  • Place your finger in the palm of the baby’s hand so that he grasps it and presses.
  • Allow the baby to touch your face, hair, etc.
  • When your child lets a toy slip from your hands, give him a chance to retrieve it for himself.
  • Begin to gently brush the back of the baby’s hands ; When you open them, take the opportunity to stimulate your palms with objects that you can press.

How to develop a baby’s gross motor skills

There are also activities to develop the gross motor skills of the child from 0 to 4 months. We present some of them:

  • Dress the baby comfortably. Don’t wrap it too much to give it freedom of movement.
  • Caress their legs, arms, feet and hands. This will cause it to move.
  • Change the baby’s position in the crib and rock it gently.
  • With one hand on the baby’s calves and the other on the baby’s knees, slowly and gently induce the extension of the legs to a horizontal position. Watch the position of your pelvis. The entire lower back of the child should be supported by the surface where the child is lying.
  • Allow the baby to put his hand to his mouth.

During the growth and physical development of the baby, it will undergo various changes. It is important that you be attentive to each of them and in case you notice something strange, consult your pediatrician.

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