7 University Degrees Of The Artistic Branch

Does your child still not know what to study? You may be interested in some of these university careers in the artistic branch.
7 university degrees of the artistic branch

What do you want to do for a living when you grow up? What do you want to do in the future? What do you want to work on? Surely you have ever asked your child these questions, especially if he is in adolescence. But  deciding what to study and how to train professionally is a difficult task. You may want to dedicate yourself to the arts. If so, this article can be of help, because in it we present some university degrees in the artistic branch.

Choosing to study in the artistic modality is as valid an option as any other. And, although it may not seem like it, it has more outlets than you think. Sometimes, it is believed that people who want to study art can only do the Bachelor of Fine Arts. But there are many more careers that one can access.

7 university degrees of the artistic branch

Bachelor of Fine Arts

The Bachelor of Fine Arts aims to train students through the creation and analysis of the visual and plastic arts. Artistic and cultural contents are taught from a practical and theoretical point of view, so that said knowledge is acquired in a comprehensive way.

Fine Arts student, one of the university careers of the artistic branch.

Performing Arts Degree

The Degree in Performing Arts allows us to enter the world of acting, fostering the versatility of students, since students acquire various capacities and related skills necessary to practice the following professions:

  • Actor.
  • Screenwriter.
  • Playwright.
  • Scenographer.
  • Stage director.

Degree in Graphic Design, one of the best-known careers in the artistic branch

The Degree in Graphic Design trains professionals capable of transmitting and representing ideas, values ​​or concepts through various modes of communication, such as illustration, photography, video, the web, digital image, animation, etc. Thus, it is intended that students, at the end of this degree, have the ability to capture people’s attention through graphic messages, knowing the different factors that influence it.

Degree in Art History

The Degree in Art History focuses on studying the evolution of the human being in the artistic aspect. Therefore, the objective of this career is to train students so that they know how to relate different pictorial or architectural works with certain social, cultural and political events that occurred throughout the history of humanity.

Degree in Interior Design

The Degree in Interior Design trains professionals capable of setting, decorating, reforming and rehabilitating:

  • Malls.
  • Cultural spaces.
  • Households.
  • Furniture.

So these students, throughout the career, acquire the ability to analyze, plan, design and adapt different types of spaces based on specific needs.

Table of a student of Interior Designs.

Degree in Fashion Design

In the Degree in Fashion Design, students, among other things, learn:

  • Patterns and dressmaking techniques. 
  • Knowledge of the various materials.
  • Illustration and drawing techniques. 
  • Knowledge of styling and design.
  • Knowledge about the fashion sector.

Therefore, once they finish their degree, they can enter the world of creating and designing clothing, accessories and accessories.

Degree in Audiovisual Communication

The Degree in Audiovisual Communication trains students in the creation, production and realization in the different conventional and multimedia audiovisual media (radio, television, cinema, etc.). For this, they are given both practical and theoretical knowledge, since they must acquire a certain critical, analytical, reflective and creative capacity to be able to carry out this work properly.

Other university degrees in the artistic branch

In addition to those previously mentioned, there are other university careers in the artistic branch, such as the Degree in:

  • Advertising and Marketing .
  • Musicology.
  • Dramatic Art.
  • Conservation and restoration of cultural property.
  • Dance.

To have more information on this subject and make a good decision, the ideal is to contact the University in question or consult its website.

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