There Are Babies Who Save Their Mothers’ Lives

There are babies who save their mothers' lives

There are babies who save the lives of their mothers, and they do so thanks to a wonderful finding: when the baby is gestated inside us, it can release pluripotent stem cells capable of regenerating tissues and even stopping some diseases.

The subject may sound like science fiction to us, we know. However, this aspect is not new, especially if we take into account that something called “ Microchimerism “. We refer to the discovery that was made a long time ago when we saw that many women still had cells with the Y chromosome in their body long after their pregnancy.

These male cells came from nothing more and nothing less than that male baby they had given birth years ago and whose presence was still imprinted on their body. Now, what is relatively new is the fact that these polyvalating cells (stem cells after all) were capable of curing some diseases present in the mother.

It is a fascinating, beautiful topic and full of wonderful possibilities for medicine that we will talk about next.

A new life that takes care of the body that protects it


For many, the fact that the cells of the fetus can reach various organs of the mother such as the pancreas, liver, heart or brain would have a very specific function: to repair tissues to take care  that the mother is in good condition and guarantee thus the survival of the baby.

This is something that stands as a hypothesis, however, scientists cannot yet reach such a conclusion. At the moment there are different data that we pass on to reveal to you.

Our children also “live” in our brain

The magazine “American Scientific” titled one of its articles that way: Babies live in their mothers’ brains. After this striking statement, there was talk of this amazing finding already mentioned, the fact that cells with the Y chromosome existed in the brains of women who had had a male baby.

  • It is clear that girls will also leave us their genetic imprint, those cells that cross the placenta and that settle in the mothers’ organs, following the mechanism of fetal microchimerism to strengthen their immune system.
  • These cells can live in us throughout life, that is, it is not something temporary or a fact that is limited only to the time of pregnancy. Now, it should be noted that it is not fulfilled in 100% of the cases, we are facing a finding that has years of investigation left and that for the moment, is offering us very encouraging data.

    Pluripotent cells in fetuses can cure diseases

    It is worth remembering now what a simple pluripotent cell is and what it is. We are facing a type of structure or biological body that has not yet specified what type of cell it is going to be.

    They are stem cells, that is, they have the ability to transform into the one most needed : if the heart tissue is injured, it will settle there. If the liver has a problem, it will adhere to this organ.

    Does this mean that mothers who had a disease have been cured by having a child?

    • There is no lack of data from moms who, indeed, have had improvements in their heart or even liver disease.

    However, one of the data that has most attracted the attention of scientists is that, as published in a study, women who harbored Y chromosomes in their brain had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

    pregnancy kicks babies that save lives

    Our children save our lives in many ways

    We will emphasize once again that not all women have these cells in their body despite having undergone one or more pregnancies. It is not very well known why it happens, nor what mechanisms govern this exceptional formula that has allowed many mothers to heal some of their ailments.

    • Currently, it is seeking to delve into how these pluripotent cells could help us fight cancer. Because another fact that has been discovered is that women who had that Y chromosome in their bloodstream apparently have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.
      • Now, one important point should be noted. Just as this type of microchimerism can heal us or save our lives in some cases, in others, it can act in the opposite way. The mother’s body can see these cells as an enemy and force the immune system to defend itself against them. It is therefore a complicated subject that, as we say, needs more work, more time and scientific dedication.
      life-saving babies

      To conclude, we know that these topics are always fascinating. However, one thing you no doubt already know is that you don’t care if that chromosome is found in your body or not. The simple presence of your baby, the fact that he exists, that he is healthy and growing by your side also enriches and gives breath to your life.

      Every baby is by itself, an act of healing and the trace of a love that will always reside within you.

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