What Are A Mother’s Greatest Fears

What are the greatest fears of a mother

As mothers, we always want the best for our children. Our care is for many, excessive, but really, only we know what are the greatest fears of a mother.

We want to take care of them for as long as possible and even if they grow, we are still aware of their every move.

What are the biggest fears of a mother?

1. When the baby sleeps alone for the first time. When our son sleeps for the first time in his room, we are afraid that something might happen to him, even if he is only about 15 steps away.

2. Get hurt. That he may meet someone who hurts or abuses him, that is why we try to teach them how to know who may have good or bad intentions.

3. Who could develop a serious or terminal illness. We are always scared by the fact that you can get sick and suffer.

4. That they can take him away from us. Thinking that someone could take him away from our side is also a great fear.

5. Some natural disaster that could separate us. When we see that earthquakes or tsunamis occur in a country, we cannot help but think of those mothers who are separated from their children.

6. The one that something can happen to us and is left alone. Who could take better care of him than his parents? The fact that something happens to us and we are left alone is also a latent fear.

7. He who may not have self-love. That for some reason, he does not love himself.

8. That you cannot be independent. This is also a very important fear and in which we could have a certain guilt, the one that always depends on us.

9. That you cannot achieve your dreams. We want to support them and be by their side so that they fulfill all their goals, we are afraid that they may have some disappointment.

10. And most importantly, if you can  be happy. Her happiness is something that truly distresses us, one of our greatest fears. We want you to be happy above all things.

Greater fears2

Our care is always influenced by our fears, fears that only mothers can understand perfectly, but when can we know if we are overdoing it?

There is a syndrome called “Wendy’s syndrome” which consists of excessive overprotection in the mother and this can cause problems for the child.

What is Wendy’s syndrome?

Do you remember the story of “Peter Pan”? Wendy, always watched over and protected Peter from anything that might happen to him. This is what this syndrome consists of, the overprotection is so great that sometimes the mother, who represents Wendy, forgets herself.

It does not mean that this syndrome is bad, but it can be detrimental to the future of our children.

Psychologists affirm that people who have suffered some abandonment by their parents and lack of affection when they were young, may suffer from this syndrome because they want to give their children everything they suffered.

Symptoms of Wendy’s syndrome

1. They always try to do all the household chores. They do not want for the world that their children wash dishes, clean or cook food …

2. They don’t want their children to have obstacles. They try to do all their responsibilities, they order the books to take to school, they let themselves win in the games …

3. They are controlling and dominant parents. They always expect their children to be obedient.

4. They always want to please others. They even give up their own needs.

5. They always sacrifice for their children. They are capable of doing anything for them.

6. They flee from conflict situations. They don’t like problems, they always try to avoid them.

7. They take extra care of their children. They always seek to take care of them and protect them from anything.

You can be a protective mother without becoming a “Wendy” mother. As mothers we know what our greatest fears are, but it is important that our children have responsibilities, have  their own setbacks and learn from their mistakes, that is what it is all about.

Greater fears

Many times we want to protect them too much, but we cannot always be with them, they must also learn how to defend themselves and solve problems. In the future they will become independent and could suffer many inconveniences if they do not prepare from a young age.

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