5 Ways To Hydrate Dry Skin During Pregnancy

Dry skin can be very uncomfortable, especially if it is part of the changes in pregnancy. Find out why this happens and some ways to deal with it.
5 ways to hydrate dry skin during pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes occur in our body that require us to keep our skin hydrated. Find out here 5 ways to do it.

We know that there are different types of skin, balanced, oily and one of the most problematic is dry.

Dry is easy to recognize, we can identify it because it tends to crack or crack in some areas of the body, it is distinguished by having very fine pores, it looks tight or rough, and in most cases itches and looks dull.

When we are in the sweet waiting we have the possibility that our skin becomes drier than usual, this is undoubtedly a factor of concern since these changes can facilitate the appearance of unsightly stretch marks or other injuries.

Enemies of radiant and dry skin

Even knowing that in pregnancy the body changes there are some enemies for a radiant and dry skin that we must keep at a distance.

The number one enemy of a healthy and fresh dermis is a poor diet because eating foods high in vitamins and minerals provide a good part of the hydration we need. All this must be accompanied by the most important drink: water.

Another of its enemies is air pollution and extreme climate changes, we must protect it from external agents with sunscreen.

And finally, the lethal enemy of healthy skin as well as that of a pregnant woman is smoking, it deteriorates health, dries and dulls the skin, among other negative aspects.

The best way to ally yourself with your skin is to know it thoroughly, to use appropriate products and treatments

Other factors

Dry skin tends to wrinkle and age many times not only thanks to external agents but also due to genetic factors. If someone in your family has a tendency to dry skin, especially during pregnancy, you may have the answer to your questions.

Hypothyroidism also often causes dry skin because the body does not produce enough hormones from the thyroid. This causes the glands to stop sweating or to produce natural fat, which is what generally moisturizes and protects.

Psoriasis can be the cause of dry skin. This is a disease that is identified because dry spots form in different parts of the body, such as the elbows or knees.

5 Ways to Hydrate Dry Skin in Pregnancy


There are different ways to hydrate dry skin in the sweet waiting, below we will recommend the 5 most effective:

1. Natural oils. If you want to deeply hydrate the skin, there is no better element than oil. The most effective are almond oil, olive oil, rosehip oil, jojoba oil and sesame oil.

2. Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera. The gel from these plants powerfully hydrates the skin, cleanses, regenerates, nourishes and repairs it.

3. Avocado. This vegetable fights dryness in a simple and natural way, the way to apply it is by crushing it to create a homogeneous mask in order to spread it on the affected areas.

4. Traditional creams. Use the cream that you like the most at least once a day and after bathing it will keep the skin looking fresh.

5. Vaseline. The use of this transparent product with a soft smell and dense texture achieves incredible results at the dermal level, leaving it soft and velvety.

Natural treatments can help in the same way as pharmaceutical treatments when it comes to hydration

Other recommendations


For best results, with a smooth, fresh, healthy and healthy appearance, some recommendations should be taken into account:

Avoid using soaps that contribute to skin dryness
• Avoid taking showers with high temperatures
• Take collagen tablets if recommended by a specialist
• Make-up removers must contain moisturizing properties
• Preferably use products such as gel -cream or cream. In addition to taking into account natural treatments based on oats, honey or yogurt.

If what you want is to look fantastic, soft and hydrated during the most beautiful stage of life, pregnancy, you just have to take into account these wonderful and important tips and recommendations.

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