Why Is The Middle Brother Unique

Why is the middle brother unique

The middle brother, the middle son or the sandwich brother. This is the name of the one who arrived after the first-born and before another minor.

Does this order influence the personality of the middle brother?

The opinions of psychologists in this regard are very varied. Some speak of “middle brother syndrome.” It is the name given to a set of symptoms presented by the siblings who occupy that place in the family.

Others deny that there are differences and argue that the children of the environment have behavioral manifestations. They are personal characteristics, ways of positioning themselves in different situations that can also be adopted by the oldest child, the youngest or even the only child. These characteristics are not due to him being the middle brother. They are due to the way it is raised and the conditions in which it has grown up.

The truth is that the place that the middle brother occupies is special. It can be understood that it is really a bit conditioned by the oldest, the first in the family, and by the youngest, who will always be the smallest and, sometimes, the most pampered.

What is the middle brother like?

  • It is true that the middle child does not feel special because he is not the first but not the last.
  • He never belongs to the same group of brothers, he  passes from one to another. It depends on whether the parents say “the two largest” or “the two smallest.”
  • His place in the sibling series and his relationship with them is really special. He has the older brother to learn from his experiences and his younger brother to play and be his guide.
  • Depending on the family context and the ages of their siblings, the life of the middle child may be the most difficult. Perhaps it goes unnoticed between the problems of the older brother and the intensity and needs of the younger.
The middle brother enjoys certain advantages because he is neither the oldest nor the youngest

Daily situations experienced by the middle brother

  • You don’t feel as much pressure from your parents.
  • It is not usually the center of attention.
  • He frequently occupies the role of mediator between his brothers.
  • In many moments he feels hidden by the abilities of his older brother and by the “cuteness” of his younger brother.
  • You may feel that you receive less protection from your parents.
  • You must learn to defend yourself and make yourself heard.
  • He usually receives clothes and toys from the older brother. This can create a feeling of “I don’t deserve anything new”, “They don’t buy anything for me.” If this feeling is perpetuated, it can lead to damage to your personality when you are older.

 Middle brother skills             

All this allows the middle child to develop some early skills that will allow him to have an excellent emotional command. This temperament can be essential for a successful integration into adult life. Some of them are:

  • He knows how to fight for his place and make himself heard.
  • He is a great mediator, since he has trained with the conflicts between his brothers.
  • It is independent when making decisions and taking actions.
  • Has an open and non-judgmental mindset.
  • He is able to negotiate and persuade others.
  • He is a strategist when it comes to solving problems.
  • He knows how to control his emotions well.
  • It is very easy for him to adapt to different situations.
The middle brother knows how to share and solve his problems without help
  • Share your things.
  • You know how amazing it is, even if no one tells you.

Many successful leaders take the place of the middle brother in the family. 52% of the presidents of the United States have been children of the middle. Other influential characters like Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Madonna, and innovators like Bill Gates are also the middle brothers.

The important thing is the role that each brother fulfills in the family nucleus

The middle brother is unique, and his place among his siblings largely determines that. But it is the education he receives at home that is the fundamental factor in shaping his personality.

Parents need to be careful when it comes to paying attention to their children. They must offer the same opportunities to all, encourage each one’s particular talents – regardless of the order in which they were born -, maintain balance so that everyone feels loved in the same way, and dedicate the necessary time to each one.

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