12 Tips From Grandmothers To Look Younger

Do not miss these tips to make you feel younger even if you are a grandmother. Youth is in the soul!
12 tips from grandmothers to look younger

Moms and grandmothers are great at giving beauty advice. In fact, studies have found that most women turn to our mothers when we have concerns about this issue. As is to be expected, Mom must have received guidance from her own mother, so grandmothers know twice as much.

A confirmed fact is that their experience allows them to comment on many things. Both healthy and not-so-recommended habits may have been tested by them. So, grandmothers know the dos and don’ts of beauty routines.

If they say it, it must be true; for they have experienced it in their own bodies. Remember that even if you see her battered and aged skin, she could give you tips to apply or avoid. They say that no one learns from someone else’s mistake, but in this case, it is worth copying the example.

On the other hand, our grandmothers have great genetic participation in how we are formed. In this sense, we may have inherited their skin tone, hair type, and other traits. That is, we may need your support to choose what is best for us, or to know what not to try.

Advice of eternal youth that grandmothers leave us

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It is possible to improve the way we age by taking into account the opinion of someone who we may look a lot like. We can begin to see ourselves in a mirror, in relation to the way she ages. Where are their gray hair located? Do you have dark circles? How has your face changed since I can remember?

-George Sand-

Those of us who had the joy of learning from our grandmothers from a very young age, can attest to how she takes care of herself. Perhaps we observe her putting on makeup, using a product to improve her blemishes, or just aging at her own pace.

Tips for Grandmothers Who Feel Young

The truth is that if we ask her for advice, she will be happy to share that word we need. We tell you what grandmothers advise us to prevent aging and also to make them feel younger.

  1. Hydrate your skin at least once a week, even if you think it looks hydrated
  2. Don’t stop putting on sunscreen, even when it’s winter
  3. Never sleep with makeup on, take it off without excuses and with whatever you have on hand
  4. Wine helps you look younger, cigarette doesn’t
  5. Get used to drinking a lot of water, and don’t forget to purify it. You must boil the water you are going to drink, at least for 20 minutes
  6. Some grandmothers advise that we wash our hair with vinegar. Those who have tried it think it is great
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  1. Avoid making a lot of gestures while talking or at any time of the day. Sometimes wrinkles begin to form in the places where we have most gestured
  2. Grandmothers recommend that every morning just when we get up, we do everything to stretch our body
  3. Use aloe vera to lighten blemishes
  4. A secret to maintain the figure and health, are the purification of the body with pineapple
  5. Swallowing a whole garlic every morning is an ideal advice to lose weight
  6. Avoid eating too much red meat, and in general, other proteins of animal origin

Do these tips work?

Many of these tips may sound familiar to us, in fact, we may have seen grandmothers apply them. To know if they actually work, let’s see if the person who says it applies it or if the results are noticed. If your grandmother recommends that you brush your hair every night, chances are she will, see how her hair looks.

It is possible that many beauty and youth tips that our dear grandmothers have shared with us are left out. The above recommendations are a compilation of opinions gathered by mothers and daughters.

What matters, above all and before any advice, is that your young spirit remains intact. Because if you feel that you are young on the inside, you will also be showing it on the outside almost without realizing it, youth can be a mental state more than a physical one! 

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