Word Games For Traveling With Children

We present you a selection of fun games for traveling with children. They will help you keep them entertained while they travel, in addition to increasing their capabilities.
Word games for traveling with children

For young children, long car trips represent real torture. As a mother, you can try to make the trip more entertaining and come up with word games for traveling with children.

The word games for traveling with children represent a perfect opportunity for parents and children to play and have fun together, in addition to killing time until they reach the destination.

Young children have short attention spans, so bringing toys and planning activities for them will keep them busy and happy on family trips. Word games are great because they help children focus on sounds and letters; they also develop the skills they need to read, write, and spell.

Remember that even a car trip is a perfect opportunity to develop your child’s skills. We explain some examples below.

Word games for traveling with children

So that you can go through long trips with your little one in the best possible way, we put at your disposal a selection with some puns for traveling with children. Put them to the test next time!

1. I spy

This game is easy to learn and perfect for preschoolers as it can keep them entertained for incredibly long periods of time.

The instructions are simple: a person spies on something and recites the line, ending with a hint: “I spy with my little eye, something red.” Everyone else takes turns trying to guess the mysterious object.

2. Location

For this game, a player sees the name of a place and says it out loud. The second participant has to find a name from another place that begins with the last letter of the first.

For example, the former can see a name on a road sign and use it. Then the other child can say any object they see and recite the name, and so on.

 Word games are great because they help children focus on sounds and letters.

3. Story with an unknown word

You can have a lot of fun and really challenge your kid’s creativity with this game. Think of the most descriptive word you can and challenge the child to tell a short story or build a sentence with it.

If he doesn’t know the meaning, you can explain it or combine it with the definition game. In this way, you will allow him to create meaning and elaborate the story around him.

4. Alphabet lottery

First, you must write all the letters of the alphabet on a sheet of paper. In it, you have to number the letters and leave spaces for the children to write next to each one.

They should look for things that start with each letter. They must start at ‘A’ and work their way up to ‘Z’. The letter X may appear anywhere in a word, due to difficulty finding words that begin with it. The first to finish wins the game.

5. The story begins

An ideal option to awaken latent storytelling talent.  You can play it in two ways: one person starts the story with a single word and each successive player adds a word to the story. The goal is to avoid being the one to finish the sentence or the story.

The other way to play is to extend the opening to a complete sentence. Again, each successive player adds another sentence. Let’s see where the storytelling leads!

6. Crocodile

To start, a topic must be chosen and the first player has to think of a word. The second participant has to find a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word.

If the word ends with ‘E’ or ‘S’, you should try to use the second letter of the previous word. Spelling can play an important role here, especially when words end or begin with silent letters.

As a mother, it is highly recommended that you learn word games for traveling with children.

7. Animal, vegetable, mineral

This game can be incredibly short or drag on for years, depending on how creative the players are. It consists of thinking of an object and establishing whether it is animal, vegetable or mineral.

The other participants can only ask up to 20 questions, in which the player who has thought the object can only answer yes or no.

It can be quite difficult to get the object right when you think that a wooden table is technically vegetable or that a shoe can be classified as an animal; but that just adds to the fun.

Finally, we recommend that the driver does not participate in word games to travel with children, in order not to divert their attention. Other passengers can have hours of fun with these simple activities!

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