The Importance Of Creating Personal Hygiene Habits From Children

Attention to the development of personal hygiene habits from the time the child is small is the mission of the parents. Here are more details.
The importance of creating personal hygiene habits from children

Personal hygiene habits are essential for adults and children, as it is an aspect that affects health. It is proven that the small actions that make up personal hygiene avoid discomfort caused by viruses or bacteria.

Therefore, if you want your child to stay healthy, it is essential that you instill in him the basic actions of grooming and personal care from childhood. Remember that if a child gets used to being hygienic, this habit will last throughout his life.

What is personal hygiene?

Personal hygiene is understood as the actions by which a person takes care of their cleanliness and appearance. The objective is, on the one hand, to avoid contracting diseases, and on the other, to achieve a harmonious coexistence in society.

Taking care of one’s own hygiene is the responsibility of each person. For this reason, the family environment is the first place in which the child learns to sanitize.

With daily practices and example, parents should teach the little one how to sanitize every part of his body. But it would be favorable if these moments dedicated to personal hygiene habits should be pleasant, so that the child enjoys them.

Bath time is one of the most special for you and your baby.

What are the most important personal hygiene habits?

For children to develop personal hygiene habits it is necessary for them to be able to think about each part of their body separately. Organizing a daily hygiene routine will help your child get used to it.

The basic actions that the child must carry out are:

1. Bathe daily

When the child takes a shower, the toxins and all the dirt accumulated during the day are removed from their skin. The best time to shower is at night, before going to bed. In addition to sanitizing it, the bathroom will help the child relax and sleep better. However, the bathrooms should not be abused either, especially in the case of low temperatures.

The shower is a good time to show the child how to wash each part of his body, from head to toe, not forgetting ears, armpits and private parts. In addition, it is necessary to teach him that every bathroom ends with a good drying.

2. Brush and wash your hair well

Hair gets dirty very easily due to surrounding dust. Keeping it clean and free of nits and lice is a necessary measure. Lice are itchy and can cause headaches, malaise, and irritability. In addition, they prevent children from resting, since the discomfort does not stop even if the children are asleep.

3. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water

It is one of the most important personal hygiene habits. With this action, diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, cholera, and respiratory and flu infections can be prevented.

UNICEF recognizes that more than 50% of illnesses and deaths in young children are caused by germs from fecal matter, which are transmitted by eating food with dirty hands. Requiring the child to wash their hands when they get home, before eating and after going to the bathroom, is to ensure a good part of their health.

It is good to teach children personal hygiene habits.

In addition, when washing hands, nails deserve special attention, as they are often neglected. Keeping them cut and clean will prevent bacteria and virus deposits from turning. It is convenient to teach the child how to clean his nails with a suitable soft bristle brush.

4. Brush your teeth after every meal

It is advisable to brush your teeth after each of the important meals of the day or at least twice a day. It is an essential measure to avoid cavities, halitosis and other dental problems. During the first years of your child’s life, it is important that you help him brush his teeth.

Ideally, after three years he already knows how to do it alone. In addition, it is necessary to explain to the child how to move the brush so that all the teeth are clean.

Personal hygiene habits are acquired in childhood

These simple habits should become part of your child’s daily routine. With this you will be facilitating the task of continuing with good personal hygiene throughout his life, something that will avoid health problems and social relationships.

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