What Your Child Will Learn Playing

What your child will learn by playing

Believe it or not, your child will learn by playing, and a lot. Well, games and toys are not only tools for leisure, distraction and entertainment. They constitute a world of learning for the youngest of each family.

The “toys” are the best ally of that child who grows by leaps and bounds. In this way, between a year and a half and two years of the creature we will begin to notice its development. It is there where you will see people emerge in miniatures, independent.

These sweet little beings have a capacity that distinguishes them remarkably from other mortals. His capacity for wonder and insatiable curiosity. So much so that the child through play will undertake the exploration of the world. Always mobilized by the desire to acquire knowledge.

For this very reason, taking advantage of gambling opportunities is completely worthwhile. Only then will we be able to connect with them, enjoy them and help them learn. Well, playing at the same time it is possible to act as “teachers”. You too begin to guide them to maximize their skills and abilities!

Your child will learn by playing endless skills


Between the indicated period, between 18 and 24 months, your child will learn by playing. The most vital human aptitudes and capacities are found in these apprenticeships. Among them, the consolidation of those that concern the physical appearance of the child stands out.

We speak then in the first instance of a series of motor skills. The first maternal marathons begin as the child not only walks, but runs and takes objects with precision. At this stage the stimulation of fine motor skills is very useful.

At the same time, the tender babbling disappears to give way to his first words. Yes, it is time to constantly build and reinforce your vocabulary. Gradually, simple phrases appear with which they can express what they feel.

Then, to the previous cognitive capacities must be added those social and / or emotional ones. Well, the minor must know how to manifest the various states of mind that he goes through. This is what is currently known as emotional intelligence.

For these initial skills there is nothing better than the help of a good toy. Of course, always with the company and maternal supervision, the best driving force for every child. However, in parallel, it is possible to nurture our children at this stage with a series of knowledge that will be very useful.

The child will learn by playing the basics of childhood

There is a series of knowledge and skills that the child can develop using the right games and toys. It is simply a matter of choosing those that best suit your age. Of course also, select the ones that represent the most benefits for their development.

Your child can begin from this early age to become familiar with numbers and letters. It is possible to find all kinds of material to start and encourage this type of learning progressively. It is a good idea to put your child in first contact with this type of knowledge. Don’t ever push or rush!

Geometric shapes fitting games usually have the ability to teach two content. One has to do with shapes, the other, colors. In the same way, it is possible to find in the market those with animals from the farm or zoo with figures and sounds. An attractive stimulus and a lot to learn!

Through these tools the socialization of the minor is also achieved. Not for less, the little ones are called by their peers as much as by their novel toys. It’s time to make occasional little friends! Boys tend to nourish themselves a lot from these relationships on the go, they can learn so much in so little time.


Choice of toys according to the lack of the child

At the indicated age it is possible to choose the games of the creature according to what we consider weak points or deficiencies. Depending on what you want to work on, you can choose the instrument that you think is the most appropriate and convenient. Remember that when you buy this type of playful tool, you acquire more than a toy.

If the idea is to work on children’s confidence, specialists recommend construction sets. A clear example of this are blocks or cubes. You will be able to have a little entertaining builder for hours. At the same time, you can develop what your child needs.

Cars or vehicles of all kinds are very useful and necessary. Well, it will be through them that the sense of orientation develops. It does not matter if they are classic, friction, with tracks or control. The effect will be the same and your child will learn by playing like crazy.

Finally, to reinforce the baby’s self-control, there are also options. For this they must go to mountable of various types. For example, shoes or “leg-leg”, tricycles, skateboards, quadricycles and bicycles are an interesting option.

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