Benefits Of Cinema For Children: Recommended Films

Children’s movies always leave a lesson. By seeing so many diverse situations on the screen, children develop their ability to think, stimulate their imagination and become more creative, among other effects that show the benefits of cinema for children.
Benefits of cinema for children: recommended films

Cinema is one of the most prominent forms of entertainment. However, many are surprised that, in addition, cinema benefits for children. Do you know what virtues this type of recreation offers to the little ones?

Every year, new films are released whose main purpose is to entertain, amuse and make the viewer spend a pleasant time. However, and although many doubt its benefits, these stories can also contribute to the education of children.

Main benefits of cinema for children

In addition to being a recreational activity, which you can take advantage of to spend time with your children and enjoy with them, the cinema can help the child to know new things, learn words in other languages ​​and even instill values ​​in them. Even so, it is recommended that you always review the content of the movies that your little ones will see.

Helps expand your vocabulary

Children are very good at listening, they quickly pick up on everything. As they get older, their vocabulary will expand. Films can contribute in this sense, due to the various situations that the child may have never experienced. Therefore, you are likely to hear new words for him, and thus learn their meaning.

Generally, if children don’t understand a word, they will ask you; this is a good opportunity to teach them. If they can read,  encourage them to look up the meaning in a dictionary . This way, they will not only learn a new word, but also know how to spell it.

The benefits of cinema for children point to their integral development as people.

Relieve the stress

Another benefit of cinema for children has to do with their emotions. Children’s movies can combat stress and ease anxiety and nerves.

Being in school, it is common for your child to suffer from these feelings, since he faces various school duties  , tests and exams. Getting out of this routine, clearing your mind, and having fun can go a long way.

They learn other languages

Many films are in another language or are translated. In addition, some of them present characters from different parts of the world, so they can express words, perhaps very specific, in another language . Listening to them will stimulate your desire to learn more about that language.

Makes them smarter and more creative

By living these experiences on screen, children begin to be more reflective. The benefits of cinema for children are evident when parents guide their children to face problems, to draw conclusions for themselves and to find solutions. In addition, this allows them to develop creativity, enhances their ability to think critically and stimulates their  imagination .

Movies that demonstrate the benefits of cinema for children

We can find children’s movies with different styles and characters of all kinds. There are both cartoons and real actors.

Each of them, depending on the quality of production, has  a plot that leaves a lesson for children. Here are some movies that demonstrate the clear benefits of cinema for children.

Finding Nemo

This movie is highly recommended, especially for children between 5 and 10 years old. Of the different characters, we find a named Dory, who always shows a positive attitude  despite problems and is always ready to help others.

On the other hand, there is the protagonist Nemo, a fish with a small fin, which made him different from his classmates; even so, none of them made fun of him. This teaches little ones about respect, empathy, and equality, qualities that they will be driven to emulate.

Toy story

One of the favorite movie sagas of young and old. It contains many lessons; for example,  children can learn from Woody’s loyalty.

In addition, they will be encouraged to be grateful like Martians and to understand the importance of being united with their family. Another lesson that will remain with them is not to be envious of the fact that others stand out, but to value the abilities of others.

There are movies with wonderful messages for children that your children should know.

Discovering the Robinsons (The Family of the Future)

In this movie, an orphan boy named Lewis is very interested in doing science, creating new things, and becoming valuable to a family. By observing it, infants will  learn the consequences of holding a grudge , and make it a goal to focus on being a better person each day.

Anyway, month after month different films are released for the little ones. Take advantage of that to educate, teach and help your child develop as a person. At the same time, you will be enjoying pleasant moments with him.

Tips for taking your child to the movies for the first time

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