How Does Excessive Screen Time Influence Children?

Excessive use of screen time can affect children’s health. Responsible use of devices will facilitate healthy exposure.
How does excessive screen time influence children?

Today, children begin to use mobile phones, tablets or other electronic devices from a very young age. Excessive use of what is called screen time can negatively impact the cognitive and physical health of children. In view of this, it is essential to set limits on children’s exposure to screens.

Screen time

The World Health Organization (WHO) prepared in 2019 the document Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep. It describes a series of guidelines on the exposure of children to screens.

When it comes to younger children, the WHO is clear about it. Screen time for children under one year is not recommended for this age. As for children from one to four years old, the screen time should not exceed one hour.

How does excessive screen time influence children?

The document indicates that parents should control the content that their children see,  and that they should choose quality programming, preferably educational. In addition, they affirm that it is necessary for parents to accompany their children to be able to explain the content they are viewing.

Consequences suffered by children after excessive use of screen time

The child’s body is the main affected when using excessive screen time, since the physical problems that it triggers are multiple.

On the one hand, children are becoming more and more sedentary, an issue that is increasingly worrying, since it constitutes a high risk factor for childhood obesity.

The WHO defines ‘ sedentary screen time ‘ as the time we passively spend watching television, the computer, the mobile phone, etc. Clarifies that this definition does not include active screen games where activity or movement is required.

On the other hand, we find other physical discomforts derived from excessive use of screens in more localized areas of the body:

  • If your child has headaches and dry eyes, they may be caused by staring at a screen for a long period of time.
  • Keeping your gaze down for a long time can cause back and neck pain.
  • If your child complains of pain in his hands, it may be caused by repetitive movements with his fingers after having been playing with the mobile or console for hours.

Tips for your child to make a healthy use

  • Encourage your child to be more physically active. The purpose is that physical activity is part of your daily life, your lifestyle. Take advantage of screen time for your children to do physical exercise, since there are video games that require physical activity to play.
    How does excessive screen time influence children?
  • Use rules for your child to reduce screen time. Although the idea of ​​having rules about the use of the mobile or the computer does not appeal to your child, it will help him find the right balance of exposure to the screens.
  •  Encourage your child to maintain good posture. For example, keeping the mobile at eye level and taking breaks after 30 minutes of exposure to the screens will improve your child’s posture.

    It is not about children stopping using mobiles, computers or other devices. It’s about making healthy use of screen time. It is simply enough to reduce sedentary screen time, pay attention to maintaining good posture and, above all, practice physical activity.

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