Common But Little Known Pregnancy Symptoms

Common but little known pregnancy symptoms

It is very likely that you have heard about the common symptoms of pregnancy that affect many women during their gestation period. From morning sickness to back or hip pain there are many symptoms that women experience during the 9 months of pregnancy.

When you look at a positive pregnancy test, you are probably wondering what those symptoms you might have are. But, the important thing is not to know the symptoms of pregnancy, but also those common but little known pregnancy symptoms.

It is somewhat incoherent that the joy of a growing human being that will come into our lives is also accompanied by annoying pregnancy symptoms. If you have ever been pregnant, it is certain that you have experienced pregnancy symptoms and although experts always say that each pregnancy is different, the reality is that there are many points in common. Symptoms such as swollen feet, varicose veins, fatigue, tiredness, nausea … are the best known.

But the reality is that there are symptoms that are more common than others, some seem that not all women talk about them and that is why, even though they are common, they are little known. There are some symptoms that can be experienced at any time during pregnancy that are also common but not as well known. It may seem strange but if you are pregnant it is very likely that you also suffer from these symptoms.

Little known symptoms

Little known pregnancy symptoms

Muscle cramps

If you’ve never had a muscle cramp in pregnancy, you’re definitely one of the lucky few. Muscle cramps are quite common and can occur in the feet, calves, or anywhere else on the body. Leg cramps are common during pregnancy, especially they can surprise you in the early morning while you sleep, in the second and third trimesters.


There are women who have constipation during pregnancy, others during the first trimester experience nausea and even vomiting and it seems that they will never end. But there are many women also suffer from diarrhea during the nine months of pregnancy or in most of the weeks. It is usually caused by hormonal changes, similar to those caused by nausea and vomiting.

Puffy face and lips

There are women who have swollen feet and hands during pregnancy, but apparently it is also common, but less well known, to have swollen lips and can be added to the list of frequent pregnancy symptoms. With this we can know that the swelling of the lips and face is just as common as when the hands and feet swell.

More saliva

It is not a funny thing but it is a common but little known symptom. Not all women experience it but there are many who complain about it. According to some facts, excess saliva during pregnancy could be the result of hormones or it may also be a side effect of nausea that occurs when waking up or also because of the famous heartburn.


Extra hair growth

There are women who when they get pregnant are delighted because they say that they have less hair on their legs so they hardly have to wax, and that they also have more hair on their heads having a beautiful mane.

There are women whose hair tends to grow only on the head during pregnancy, but for others it can grow more on the legs and also in other places. Once again, hormones are to blame for everything and you may grow more hair in some parts of your body and less in others … but don’t despair! One way or another, this situation will always be temporary and as soon as your baby is born, everything will return to normal.

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