15 Girl And Boy Names Inspired By Astronomy

We present you original names of girls and boys inspired by astronomy in which you can find the one you like the most for your future baby.
15 girl and boy names inspired by astronomy

When you find out that you are pregnant, one of the first things you start to imagine is whether your little one will be a boy or a girl and, based on that, choose names for the future baby.

Some people are clear about the child’s name from the first moment due to various circumstances. However, others, not so much and, therefore, seek inspiration in different places. The different names, with meanings in other languages ​​and cultures are being a discovery today and are beginning to be widely used to call children.

Therefore, today we bring you a selection of different girl and boy names based on astronomy. You will be able to discover many names that, surely, you did not know and that can dazzle you enough to decide on one of them.

Astronomy-inspired girl and boy names

Baby holding his mother's finger.

Boy names

  • Arturo : Although Arturo has been a widely used name for many years, it is the third brightest star in the sky when night falls. Its name is originally from ancient Greek. Its meaning is very special, since it is called the “guardian of the bear” due to the proximity that this star has with the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper.
  • Izar : another of the boy’s names inspired by astronomy that refers to the stars. And it is that Izar is called a double star that lies in the sky. Its origin comes from Arabic and means veil .
  • Perseus : Perseus is a well-known name in mythology as it represents the person who beheads Medusa. In this case, it refers to a constellation.
  • Oberon : Astronomy not only refers to the stars, but also to the planets. On this occasion, Oberon refers to a satellite of the planet Uranus. This satellite is so named and refers to one of the most prominent authors in the history of literature at an international level, such as William Shakespeare, but, more specifically, to his work A Midsummer Night’s Dream .
  • Suhail: Suhail, whose meaning is noble in Arabic, is the third brightest star within the constellation Vela.
  • Leo : Although it may not seem like it, Leo is also a name inspired by astronomy. This constellation is located between Cancer and Virgo, and its meaning has always been linked to the figure of the lion and its strength.
  • Donati : Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Donati was the first to photograph a comet. For this reason, this first photographed comet bears his name or, rather, his surname.

Girl’s names

  • Atria : it is the brightest star in the constellation of the Southern Triangle.
  • Cordelia : in the same way that the name for boy Oberón, of which we have just spoken, Cordelia also has its reference in the writer William Shakespeare. It is also a satellite of the planet Uranus, but this time the name refers to the play King Lear .
    Mom with her baby in her arms.
  • Eris – In Greek mythology, Eris is the goddess of discord. It is a dwarf planet in the solar system, and it is the most massive of the dwarf planets known to date.
  • Luna : although much better known than all the names mentioned above, Luna is also part of the astronomical world and, therefore, we wanted to include it in this selection of names for girls and boys inspired by astronomy.
  • Nereida : Within the constellation Capricorn, Nereida is the fourth brightest star. Its meaning is the bearer of good news. This name comes from the Arabic.
  • Miranda : the planet Uranus is made up of five satellites, Miranda being the smallest of them. Again, William Shakespeare is present in the naming of this satellite by receiving the name of the daughter of one of its protagonists in his play The Tempest .
  • Alhena : Within the constellation of Gemini, Alhena is the third brightest star. Its meaning comes, again, from Arabic.
  • Talita : the last of the astronomy-inspired girl and boy names is located within the constellation Ursa Major, and it is the ninth brightest star. It means third .

We hope that this selection of names for girls and boys inspired by astronomy will help you when it comes to finding an original and unique name for your future baby.

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