Itchy Ears In Children: Causes And Treatment

Itchy ears in children: causes and treatment

Itchy ears in children or otic eczema consists of the inflammation and flaking of the epidermis – the outermost layer of the skin – in the outer ear. Dermatitis causes redness and is often complicated by children scratching the area rampantly to relieve itching.

This is a condition caused mainly by allergies, infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi and even by lack or excess of hygiene.  In fact, the last two – as specialists point out – are the most common causes, especially during childhood.

Inadequate hygiene habits: the origin of itchy ears in children

The poor hygiene of the ear brings with it the accumulation of earwax: a sticky and yellowish substance that the ear itself secretes to lubricate itself and clean the dirt that comes from the outside.

There are mothers who are reluctant to clean their children’s ears because they know that, in this vulnerable area, a large part of the proper functioning of the sense of hearing is supported. But, if mothers are afraid to sanitize their children’s ears and, on the other hand, many minors have a phobia about letting them clean, the lack of hygiene allows the wax to accumulate and cause the annoying itchy ears in children .

Cleaning the baby's ears is good to prevent otic eczema.

Failing that, there are other mothers who cannot see their children’s ears with wax and strive to always keep them clean. Excess hygiene and, more than excess, the wrong way of doing it, causes the appearance of otic eczema. 

How should children’s ears not be cleaned?

Children must be taught that the ear is a very delicate and sensitive area. Thus, they cannot clean their ears by inserting their finger into them or scraping the skin with their fingernail to remove earwax.

In addition, the use of cotton buds is discouraged, especially in minors, since misuse of them could perforate the eardrum, cause otitis or any other ailment and infection. The famous swabs also tend to cause the formation of plugs when, instead of withdrawing the substance – as they are expected to do – they introduce it further inwards until it clogs the ear canal and causes poor hearing.

There are also those who use alcohol diluted with distilled water or perfume to disinfect the area. However, this is a measure that is also contraindicated by specialists.

Avoid itchy ears in children with efficient cleaning

Children’s ears should be cleaned regularly. A good way is to do it during the daily bath, so you can prevent the so-called otic eczema. In addition, you should clean carefully trying not to damage the skin or cause stridency inside the ear canal.

Take a fine, soft cloth and wash it with plenty of soap and water; rinse afterwards and drain so it’s just damp. Next, wrap it around one of your index fingers and pass it through the entrance hole of the ears. If there is a lot of earwax, use another part of the cloth and do the same procedure until you see the area clean.

Itchy ears in children is a very common symptom.

Final tips to prevent otic eczema

Therefore, to prevent your child from suffering from itchy ears, you will only need to put into practice the following tips:

  1. Sanitize your child’s ears regularly.
  2. Clean the earwax using a clean, damp, fine and soft cloth.
  3. Do not insert your finger or any other element into the ear canal to remove earwax.

Also, remember that, although itchy ears in children are often due to poor hygiene habits, on other occasions it can be caused by an infection.

When your child complains of earaches, you notice that the area around them hurts, or you see changes in the color and texture of the earwax, take them immediately to the doctor, since the itching and discomfort they feel is probably caused by some type of infection that requires certain care and specific treatment.

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