This Selfie By Olivia Wilde Shows How Difficult It Is To Be A Mom

This Olivia Wilde selfie shows how hard it is to be a mom

Being a mom is wonderful, it has many satisfactions and some distressing moments, but it is also usually a lot of fun. No mother escapes the complexity of this stage, so it is normal to see a famous mother having a difficult day with her little ones.

Every day there are more options to publicize our daily experiences, one of these is social networks, many of which have taken up people’s time. When you are a mother, life changes, but this does not mean that we cannot join the passions of the technological world.

In the same way, we can refer to the type of mother, because according to her characteristics she may have greater needs to express her daily actions via the web. For example, someone famous like the actress Olivia Wilde, has decided to share her love story with her little son, which does not exonerate her from sometimes showing the difficult part.

Olivia Wilde’s selfie

Olivia Wilde is a famous American actress, best known as Dr. Remy Hadley from the popular television series House. But at home, Otis Alexander, an eighteen-month-old heartthrob, knows her as mom and is the cause of this famous selfie.


No mother is exempt from seeing herself in this position, for example as we see dear Olivia going through one of the stages of motherhood, “unintended personal neglect”. This condition applies to those mothers who do not have time in their daily schedules to dedicate at least to combing their hair.

Seeing this celebrity made a mess is synonymous with the fact that motherhood has overwhelmed her at least at some point in the day. For her, the daily condiments are based on the baby’s routines: what he eats, what he does and the constant vigilance of the mother.

It is certainly comforting to know that we are not the only ones who pay the price of being a mother. Having endless days of care and attention that are not for us is a constant of motherhood.

This selfie is as famous as ours, even though it will surely not reach thousands of “likes” as well, but it is famous because it teaches us that we share the same feelings with any mother in the world, even if she is famous.

The popular Selfie

This new interest lies in the way of expressing how we see ourselves. A self-image made by yourself guarantees that you will see yourself in the position and place you chose, all under your control.
But, it is not the case of the selfy of this famous actress, because her face does not show that she has everything under control.

It is no surprise that a child causes some stress on the mother, regardless of whether she is famous or not ; Neither is it that a celebrity uploads an image to her instagram, but her expression makes us see how difficult it is to be a mother.
The images of mothers in full hustle and bustle, almost no one has the pleasure of seeing them. We know that it is something everyday, so why photograph it; But in this technological age everything is news, that is why there are more and more selfies of this style.

Should being a woman and being a mother go separately?

Just as Olivia is proud and somewhat fearful of her situation, all dedicated mothers are ; This reason prevents us from thinking as independent people, with needs and concerns different from those of a child or his father.


Dirty and unkempt hair is not an impediment for mothers to enjoy our moment, even when we worry about knowing how it is. In this regard, although we would like to be women before mothers, we would not do it just because our children are more important.

Being a mother does not imply that we neglect our appearance, on the contrary, it is necessary to organize a time and space of the day to dedicate ourselves to ourselves, something that our children will appreciate one day.

But if we evaluate that a woman, whose appearance is worth money, exchanges her care for that of her little one ; We understand that it is not necessary to separate the two.

Mom’s time works very differently from dad’s and, of course, from the child’s; For us, a couple of hours of sleep and a few minutes to bathe is enough. This is something that can be changed, but no mother wants to waste quality time with her children.

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