A Shorter Letter: A Short On Excess Gifts

A shorter letter is a short one that allows us to reflect on the problem of excess gifts at Christmas time.
A shorter letter: a short on excess gifts

A shorter letter is an animated short that all mothers and fathers should see with their children at Christmas, as it allows us to reflect on the excess of gifts that children receive on these dates and the little value that is given to them.

In this article we present a brief summary of this wonderful animated short film. But you must visualize it in order to appreciate and understand it. Have you not seen it yet? Click here!

The consumer society: a problem that affects children

We live in a consumer society in which we are continually shopping and spending, sometimes uncontrollably, the money we earn. This also affects children, since they grow up observing the consumer behaviors of their reference figures.

These behaviors, over time, are assimilated by the little ones, and they grow accustomed to living in an environment full of toys and surrounded by a multitude of whims, so that they do not get to value what they have.

Girl writing the letter to Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men after having seen the short A shorter letter with her parents.

For this reason, in 2018, Audi carried out a social campaign, creating an animated short called A shorter letter. With this, it is intended to make citizens aware of the problem of new consumer habits, especially at Christmas time.

A shorter letter : a short on excess gifts

A shorter letter tells the story of Tomás, a boy who is angry and disappointed that Santa Claus has not brought him the remote control car he wanted for Christmas. Instead, he has received other toys that can also be a lot of fun.

One day, Tomás’ parents give him a letter written by Santa Claus himself in which he explains that the important thing is not to have many toys, but to have those that are going to be used for real. This makes the little one think. So he decides to write a letter addressed to the Magi.

In this letter, he tells them that it is not necessary for them to bring him the remote-controlled car that he originally wanted, because he believes that he will not need it, since now he has a new neighbor with whom he can share the toys. In fact, coincidentally, this new friend has the remote-controlled car that Tomás wanted so much.

Finally, the short ends with a nice phrase:

Girl writing the letter to the Magi.

How to write a shorter letter?

Help the children to write a shorter letter. To facilitate this task, Audi has created a digital tool in order to write, in an appropriate way, the letter to Santa Claus and the Three Kings. So there are three steps to follow:

  • Write the child’s name.
  • Choose only four gifts.
  • Send it to family members by email.

But selecting only four gifts is sometimes not easy. It is necessary to take into account which are the most suitable gifts for the little ones. Thus, it is recommended to choose four of these options:

  • A family experience (tickets to a musical, a concert, an aquarium, an amusement park, etc.).
  • A gift that the child wants.
  • A musical instrument.
  • Something to do sports.
  • A book, story or comic. 
  • A game that stimulates creativity.
  • Clothes or some accessory. 

In addition, these gifts should be chosen based on the characteristics, tastes and hobbies of the child.

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