The Change From School To High School

Going through high school can be a good time to help your child draw up his life project
The change from school to high school

The change from school to institute does not only mean a transfer to another building more or less close to our home. It means a transcendental variation in the habits, responsibilities and social behavior of our son.

It goes without saying that in this company, as in all of them, mothers must be ready to help and guide our “baby”.

For this reason, at you are a mother, we invite you to put your batteries and pay attention to the subject we are dealing with.

What the change entails

Human beings, by nature, are reluctant to change.

When our routine is altered or we are about to go through a transformation, fear immediately invades us and we want to stay as we are.

But, for the good of human evolution, there are changes that mean improvements and advances that prepare young individuals of the 21st century for the immediate future. One of them is the institute.

The change from school to institute is a leap that is as momentous as it is necessary.

From child to adolescent


Adolescence is a stage of life characterized by hormonal and psychological changes.

The girls begin to develop their hips and breasts, fatten their thighs and gradually transform into little women.

Men, although they go through a later process, also undergo transformations: they grow, they develop muscles, they grow hair on their faces and they change their voices.

A true metamorphosis occurs in our children. They are no longer the girls or boys from before!

The same happens with their reasoning, their needs as social beings and their responsibilities.

The change from school to high school

The change of school, who has not felt insecure and pressured? Do you remember when it was your turn?

New subjects, teachers you have never seen before, a more restricted schedule, different rules, greater rigors …

Mom, like you when you were a teenager, at first, your child may feel fearful of what he does not know.

But, if you prepared him for that from home, he will immediately find the security he needs to face any transformation.

Now that your child has not yet changed schools is the best time to emphasize the implementation of the values ​​that you have always instilled in him and that he must maintain in his future institute.

In this minute you must warn him about the new responsibilities that he will have and the importance of carrying them out with all the seriousness they require.

At this stage you must help him to know the duties and rights that all students have : to be active participants in the sports and cultural life of their school and emphasize the benefit that this has as a social being.

Encourage your investigative skills. Let him know that he will soon be at a crucial moment in his student stage and as such he should take advantage of it.

Your child must know (and you must instill it in this way) that he is a privileged young man to have the luck that others, even today, do not have: the power to continue his studies and achieve, with determination and dedication, the career he wants.

Let him know that if now the same teacher teaches almost all the subjects, in the institute, he will have one for each subject.

If now the teacher dictates the notes, in the institute, he will have to take many notes on his own without having the teacher at his side to encourage him to write.

There will be many changes, but these will be for the better.


A few last tips

Mom, your son is laying the foundation for his professional future. It is vital that in the institute you study, prepare and achieve good academic performance.

From now on, prepare him psychologically for this.

It is your responsibility to guide him, evacuate the doubts of his age, help him design his goals and provide a path towards the achievement of his aspirations.

That the separation from his friends, the school that welcomed him for so many years, his teachers and the whole environment in which he has felt comfortable are not an obstacle for him to make the most of his time at the “institute”.

Help him to take all these assets as a precious treasure that enabled him to gain the confidence in himself to move forward.

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