The Figure Of Fairies In Children’s Stories

Fairies are magical characters. Their charm is irresistible, and they play very important roles in tales and stories. Let’s analyze a little more the role of these little figures, already classic in literature, film and television.
The figure of fairies in children's stories

Who has not heard of them? The figure of fairies in children’s stories is one of the most popular due to  the fascination it produces in children and also in adults. World famous are the adventures of the loyal, tenacious and quarrelsome Thinkerbell, in The Secret of the Fairies  or Fairies to the Rescue . Sabrina, the winter fairy, was striving to create beautiful snowflakes for the arrival of Earth day.

Cinderella’s fairy godmother turned her into a princess with a carriage and lackeys to meet the prince. Also famous was Queen Mab, a miniature fairy who forced sleepers to dream and fulfill their wishes.

Sometimes spoiled and vindictive, sometimes helpful and kind. Who doesn’t remember Tinker Bell’s efforts to save Peter Pan and help him fly with his fairy dust? Fairies in children’s stories are, by now, an all-time classic.

Fairies in children’s stories: imagination to fly

Children’s imagination knows no limits. When the figure of fairies appears in children’s stories, everything is emotion. That is why they are in such demand every time they ask their parents to read them a story. Fairies transport to imaginary worlds, with talking heroes, ogres, elves, goblins, witches or animals. Enchantments cannot be lacking either.

They are magically narrated sequences of events with a “fairy tale ending ”. And if it is about morals, they abound here. “Once upon a time” or “once upon a time” defines the timelessness of the story to be told. Just by reading the sentences or listening to them at the beginning of a movie, the exaltation begins. What comes next will surely be extraordinary. Orally, in writing and even on film, these stories have traveled the world for thousands of years. In all corners of the planet they have the same acceptance.

Fairies in children's stories motivate very particular costumes and outfits.

The same plot

They are called fairy tales from the stories of Madame d´Alunoy, a French writer who called them contes des fées . There are many studies on these stories. One of the most recognized is that of the Russian anthropologist and linguist Vladimir Propp. He detected 31 recurring points in these stories. Some of them are:

  • One of the family members walks away or a ban falls on the hero, who transgresses it.
  • The villain receives information about the hero, contacts him, deceives him and locks him up or seizes his property.
  • The villain harms family members and accuses the hero of complicity, whom they force to leave.
  • The protagonist leaves, but the fairy helps him. He puts a test on him, which he passes, and thus receives magic items.

Although in a different order, these recurrences are presented in the stories. Perp Propp identified others: the hero finds the object he is looking for, defeats the villain and amends the damage he caused. In the stories, the protagonist is persecuted and helped; the mission is difficult, but it fulfills it. A false hero claims achievements that do not correspond to him, but the true one is recognized and the impostor is exposed. The villain is punished. The prince marries and ascends the throne.

Propp realized that all the plots tell a similar story. Wonderful and sobering, unique and special. They have fairies, dragons, witches, princes and a plot based on similar schemes. What is important and differentiating is what each of them does and how they do it.

For young and old

Initially these stories were for adults, but little by little they have spread to all ages. Since 1812, the  Grimm Brothers ‘ Tales for Children and Home strengthened the bond with children. Even today, young and old continue to find a similar fascination in them. The Neverending Story  is one of the tales known to people of all ages.

Girls, mainly, are very attracted to the figure of fairies in children's stories.

The figure of fairies in children’s stories makes children and adults delve into wonderful stories. There, everyone is capable of facing fear, everyone has courage, and everyone seeks to do good. Thus  the imagination is stimulated and the intellect is developed. The morals of these stories help to understand principles and values. Did you like some of the many benefits that fairy tales bring?

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