Protect And Consent: How Are They Different?

Learn to identify the great difference between a child who is protected and one who is excessively spoiled.
Protect and pamper: how are they different?

There are many differences between protecting and spoiling a child, and also between a happy child and a spoiled one. Remember that the way we educate the little ones prepares them for what society will ask of them in the future. Therefore, their ability to adapt to the characteristics of the world depends on the environment in which they grow up.

Childhood is the time when values ​​begin to be internalized and character and life skills develop. Therefore, children must be seen as a malleable treasure that must be respected and educated with affection and foundation. Looking at it this way, it is possible to sculpt the human being that the world needs to be better.

What are the differences between protecting and consenting?

What the child expects from life and from others

A child who has been overprotected or excessively pampered demands a lot from his environment. When he doesn’t get what he wants, he resorts to tantrums and inappropriate pressure mechanisms. He is used to getting what he wants, when he wants, and has no tolerance for frustration.

Protect and pamper: how are they different?

On the contrary, a protected and happy child learns the value of things more easily. Understand the situations and not having the fashionable toy or a high-end phone does not pose a major problem. Even if you want to, you can live perfectly without it.

The system of values ​​and beliefs

Indulging a child to the extreme affects his value system. The belief begins to emerge that everything can be bought or obtained without great effort. Ultimately, that is what you see in your environment.

On the other side of the scale are children who grow up in environments where they receive understanding, affection, and awareness of right and wrong. Each experience makes them appreciate having a support group at home. This helps them build a solid concept of love, family and solidarity.

Character formation

The character of “spoiled” children tends to be prone to easy frustration and intransigence, even at an early age. They learn to demand things with little subtlety and without thinking about the feelings and possibilities of the other. It is enormously difficult for them to develop the value of empathy,  hence the importance of differentiating, protecting and pampering children.

A happy child manifests more sensitive actions from an early age. Learn to ask for what you want or need in a friendly way and don’t intentionally hurt others. It should also be noted that a child brought up under controlled and intelligent protection will be a more independent adult.

The level of understanding

Little ones who immediately receive everything they ask for lose their sense of curiosity and creativity. If, for example, you lend them your mobile without much opposition, they will not look for alternative ways to have fun and be entertained.

Children who receive a “no” in response to any of their requests will change interest quickly. They are more resourceful and manage to develop different skills and are carried away by their creativity when imagining other games.

Protect and pamper: how are they different?

In summary…

Although it is natural that you want to give your children everything they ask for (and what perhaps you did not have), doing so is not the best option, hence the difference between protecting and consenting.  A human being needs to develop a tolerance for frustration and a firm conviction to survive a fierce world. It also requires sensitivity to the situations that others face and the strength to overcome difficulties as often as necessary.

The purpose of forming human beings with values ​​can only be achieved through love and training with discipline. These two pillars will help your children to be physically and emotionally healthy and to be prepared for the skills that society demands. Balance is the key to building the principles and belief system that you hope for who are the future of the world.

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