World’s Best Children’s Libraries To Visit

The fantasy world of children’s books and their magic begin in the libraries themselves. Do you dare to discover it?
World's best children's libraries to visit

Traveling is enriching in every way. Taking family trips is one of the activities that you will enjoy the most together. One of the places that you can visit on your travels are the children’s libraries. The new concept of a children’s library, as well as the new relationship between books and children, have led to these spaces being totally modernized.

On many occasions, these places, regardless of whether you like reading or not, are worth visiting, because the true works of art of their architecture deserve it. Today we leave you a selection of the best children’s libraries in the world. Do not hesitate to visit them if any of your trips coincide with them. You will be amazed.

World’s best children’s libraries

The Brentwood Library, New York

Just the entrance to the space dedicated to children’s literature in this library located in New York will make you fall in love. Its wide door is made up of large books, all in wood and with a large slogan on the roof “Story Room” .

Next to the door you will also find books stacked as if they were bricks creating the walls, as well as a tree whose roots come out of piles of books.

Library with books ordered by color.

But this fantastic space not only stays at the entrance, but inside it houses hundreds of trees between the book shelves, as well as different animals on them, totally offering the feeling of being in a forest.

Hjorring Library, Denmark

The new concept of the library as a place for fun, reading, talks and similar activities is present in this fantastic space created in Denmark.

This library is characterized by the large red ribbon that houses the entire space that makes it up. However, it is not attached to the ground, but performs different movements and is placed at different heights depending on its location.

On this tape that, sometimes, reaches the ceiling, others forms a slide and others simulates the waves of the sea, we can find books placed and even people reading, since it is a decorative element but also of use.

In addition to this red ribbon that characterizes it, we will also find circles on the walls with cushions for children to enter them to read. Slides and many colors are also present in this fantastic space that is within the best children’s libraries in the world.

My Tree House Library, Singapore, one of the best children’s libraries in the world

Caring for and respecting the environment is one of the values ​​that we must instill in children since they are young. For this reason, this children’s library is among the best in the world, having been built entirely with recycled materials.

Located in the basement of the Singapore Public Library, as its name suggests, it houses a fantastic forest full of children’s books. The tops of these trees are created with 3,000 recycled plastic bottles that were collected in Singapore’s public schools for the project and that now serve the function of giving birth to children so that they can enjoy books.

Shelves from one of the best children's libraries in the world.

Poplar Bookstore, Beijing

Despite being a bookstore and not a children’s library, due to its fantastic structure and play of colors and shapes, we wanted to include in this selection of the best children’s libraries in the world to visit.

With a structure similar to the red ribbon we talked about in the children’s library in Denmark, Beijing also has one, in this case, multi-colored.

Again, the circles in which to settle down to enjoy a good book, the color combinations and the possibility of finding books in the most unexpected places make this bookstore become a true work of art.

Boston Central Library

The children’s and youth section of the Boston Central Library is a true fantasy for all who visit and enjoy it.

As we well know, within the children’s and youth section, from babies to young people have a place, so this library has designed a space for each of them.

Its walls are full of illustrations emulating that you find yourself on the streets of the city of Boston itself, in addition to including furniture and areas depending on the age groups that we talked about before.

Importance of the school library

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