5 Activities To Work On Reading With Teenagers

You have to be very tactful to get young people to be interested in something. In addition to the example, a fundamental factor for their learning, we can also practice certain activities to encourage this habit in them.
5 activities to work on reading with teenagers

In a world as technological as the one we inhabit, there is little room for activities that require slowing down a bit and concentrating. The most representative example of them is sitting down to read a book; and it is much more so for young people. From home, we can organize certain activities to work on reading with teenagers.

Throughout the world, there are many entities and associations that proclaim the benefits of reading, especially among young people. Its importance is increasing, since the estrangement of young people towards books is more and more evident.

It is also understandable: these do not provide the same effects on your senses as a late-model television or virtual reality glasses. And as if that weren’t enough, it takes effort to read and understand them.

However, all is not lost. Many of them enjoy paper pages and are very willing to follow when it comes to adding variety to their library.

As parents, we can take some simple actions that can make teens attracted to reading. In those who already have it, these will serve to further exploit this feeling. Here are some of them.

Activities to work on reading with adolescents

1. Buy books that interest you

A basic point to arouse someone’s interest in any activity is that it interests them. Therefore, we must find readings that relate to the favorite themes of our young people.

For example, if your child is passionate about soccer and a particular player, coach or team, there you have the perfect option. Meanwhile, if your daughter is a fan of psychology or a musical band, you can also take that route to attract her to reading.

To work on reading with adolescents it will be essential to awaken their interest.

As for the activities, there are two that are imposed. The first is to join a library and see what they find on these topics. The second is to take them shopping; The good thing about this is that bookstores are often a world unto themselves, which can excite young people even more.

2. Movies can help

For some it may be nonsense or a waste of time to read a book of which they have already seen its version on the big screen. However, it can be a perfect way to get your child interested in books.

Give him the book of that series or movie that he liked so much and propose to comment on the differences and similarities. In general, books tend to be better than audiovisual versions, so you are sure to have a lot to gain.

3. Aim for the generation of habits

Both for young reading lovers and those who suffer from it, it is important to have the appropriate time and space to develop this activity.

So, a good way to work on reading with teenagers is to establish a certain daily or weekly schedule to count, discuss and recommend books. Something like a home reading workshop.

Logically, to be able to do this it is also good to form a routine to sit and read calmly and in silence. Although it may seem otherwise, this is a very pleasant activity to do as a group; do not hesitate to take advantage of these moments to be with your children, each one reading their book.

4. Read aloud

In principle, this is a way of working on reading with adolescents that is more appropriate for the classrooms. In them, the teacher can propose different activities that have the reading and commenting of fragments of a work as their axis.

However, you can also propose it at home. How? Asking your children to save phrases they read, either in the book or in another area, to share as a family.

Also, if there is a small child in the house, taking turns reading your nightly stories is also a great idea. Remember that reading aloud is a fundamental process to improve the communication and vocabulary of the young person. Therefore, push him to practice it.

From home, we can organize certain activities to work on reading with teenagers.

5. Take another step

Many books are related to other aspects of the artistic and cultural world. For example, if a young person read a story that took place in a certain historical place, it would be very good to organize a trip to see it.

Another case: if he likes self-help books or biographies, do not hesitate to take him to an exhibition or talk by this person who arouses admiration. Recitals, theaters, and even sporting events are other ways to take reading a given book to the next level.

As we said before, to work on reading with adolescents it will be essential to awaken their interest; otherwise, we will achieve little and nothing. Obligation at this age can only generate rebellion and greater aversion than before. Therefore, treat it as a moment of enjoyment and relaxation.

Encourage your child's love of reading

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