Original Ways To Tell Your Son That He Is Going To Have A Baby Brother

Telling your child that he is going to have a baby brother is one of the important moments that you will live as a family. So we want to help you with these great ideas to break the news to you.
Original ways to tell your child that he is going to have a baby brother

Is your family about to increase? !! Congratulations!! Surely you are living a very special moment. Therefore, we would like to help you by suggesting several original ways to tell your child that he is going to have a baby brother.

How you convey it to him will be important to how he will feel within this new scheme. From now on he will be the older brother and that is a very important role.

Original ways to tell your child that he is going to have a baby brother

Children are often very excited when they find out that they are having a baby brother. The way you give them the news will depend, to a large extent, on how old they are.

Mother telling her son that she is going to have a baby brother.

If the child is 4 years old or older, it is recommended to tell him after the first three months of pregnancy, when the risks of a miscarriage have already been overcome. Thus, you will be able to get excited about the arrival of your new baby brother.

But if it is less than 4 years old, it is advisable to wait for the belly to give you away. At this age they are not able to understand how long to wait until they have the baby at home.

With older children, things change. You can involve them in the process and involve them in the preparations for the arrival of the new family member.

So, if you are pregnant and want to tell her in an original way, write down our suggestions.

A personalized book

This idea is great for those families who have children between 4 and 6 years old, when their understanding is greater and they are able to enjoy the stories in the stories.

There are many companies that make personalized books. You give them the name of the little ones, the parents and the main theme which, in this case, will be the arrival of their brother.

Tell your son that he is going to have a baby brother with a cake

Most children love cakes and sweets, so you can break the news with a very special cake. Try to make it his favorite flavor, decorate it in that special way that he likes so much and, if he can read, put a sign on him that makes it clear that he is going to become the older brother.

You can also hide inside the cake the photo of the ultrasound, a drawing or something with which you can understand what is happening. Everything will depend on the age of the little one.

Take it to the ultrasound

If your firstborn is over 8 years old, he can already get much more involved in this new adventure. Many parents decide to take their older children to the first ultrasound  so that they can see with their own eyes what is in Mom’s gut.

Seeing him, listening to his heart and feeling part of the process  will make him feel very happy and taken into account. Then, to top off the day, you can enjoy your favorite meal or an afternoon of movies and popcorn.

A very special photo album

You can create a photo album just for him and his little brother. Put all the photos you have of him: from the first ultrasounds, his birth, his birthdays and all special occasions. Dedicate a section for your new partner, in this way, they can create a very beautiful brotherhood story.

Mom telling her daughter that she is going to have a baby brother.

Explain that from now on he will share all those memorable moments with someone else and make him or her in charge of filling that album with all those memories that you will create as a family.

Tell your child that he is going to have a baby brother with a gymkhana

You can also break the news by doing what children love the most: playing. If they are already a certain age, you can organize a gymkhana or a treasure hunt to tell them.

Hide clues around the house or in a park or garden and leave little surprises. At the end of the tour, you should already be able to guess that you are about to become the big brother.

Telling your son that he is going to have a baby brother is one of the most important moments that you will live in this new stage. Do it with all the love and attention placed on him and try to make him participate in the arrival of the new baby.

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