5 Ideas For Children To Learn To Be Patient

5 ideas for children to learn to be patient

When children are young, it seems that patience is something that does not go with them or that they do not want to learn, but it is the parents who must give the best example of patience so that the little ones learn thanks to the model of their parents. Patience is a virtue that can and should be instilled in children, and it teaches them the value of being able to delay gratification, a skill much needed for maturity.

Patience can help develop the ability to think and solve problems, it can counteract impulsivity and bad behavior. The value of patience lies in the ability to bring inner peace and emotional strength within oneself.

Teaching patience will help children to understand resilience, to have self-control, and also to have the ability to calm themselves and with qualities necessary for emotional maturity. But how can children be taught to be patient? Don’t miss the following ideas.

Be the best example

Like anything you want to teach your children, example will be the best way to teach it. Parents are the only ones who can teach fundamental values ​​without talking, so you should be the best example in your child’s life to show him the importance of patience. Patience is undoubtedly a necessary virtue for life and if you lack it, it is time to start working on yourself to be able to achieve it and thus, be able to teach it to your little ones.

Give them reminders

Children need to be constantly reminded of things until they internalize them and make them their own. In this sense, it is necessary that parents should be insistent in reminding them how good it is to be patient. When children begin to fight or take things away from other children without asking, they should be gently and lovingly reminded to use patience. “Patience” is a key word to remind children of what behavior is expected of them.


Praise patience

When a child behaves in a way that uses patience, you should give them praise for it generously so they know it’s appropriate and great behavior. If your children have tantrums because they are upset by others and when you remind them of the word patience they improve their behavior, it is necessary that you praise their good behavior, because it is not easy for them to remain calm and be patient without yelling and crying. Little ones are all emotions, and once they understand the benefits of being a patient, they can be so for a lifetime.

Give them time

Don’t expect children to be patient overnight. Patience is something that must be worked on day after day until good results are achieved. It is also necessary that when a child wants to solve something on his own and shows low tolerance for frustration because it does not come out, it is important to offer him the time he needs to be able to achieve it. Strategies for understanding patience will begin to pay off when children have the opportunity to understand what they are doing and the feelings it generates within them.


Create moments for them to be patient

You need to create moments in daily life so that your children learn to be patient without realizing it. For example, you can let the children fight for a few minutes when they have a disagreement to use the strategies of patience and resolve conflicts.

Another option is, for example, when you are doing homework and your child is waiting for something to do with you, you will also be offering him the opportunity to learn to be patient … but then reward his wait with games, songs or some activity with which you spend time quality together. 

These are just some ideas for your children to learn to be patient, but you must remember that the best way to do it is by working every day and being you, the best example.

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