Things You Should Not Say To A Woman Who Cannot Have Children

Conceiving is not easy for everyone, so there are things that it is better not to say to a woman who cannot have children. Do you need to know what they are?
Things you should not say to a woman who cannot have children

If you are trying to conceive a baby but have not had results yet, you may have already had to listen to too many comments from the people around you. When it comes to having babies, almost everyone thinks they know what to do. Although we all know how to conceive children, it is not always so easy and there are many factors that can intervene. Therefore, it is important that society is aware and avoid saying certain phrases or comments to a woman who cannot have children.

If you are a person who is trying to conceive a baby there are some things that you probably won’t want to hear anymore . If you know someone who is trying to conceive a baby without success, then you should also be aware that there are some things that it is best not to say to them so as not to hurt their feelings.

Phrases that you should not say to a woman woman who cannot have children

“You need to relax and have no stress”

It is not so easy not to have stress in the society we live in today. Also, a worried woman may find it more difficult to relax, especially if she cannot have children. In this sense, instead of telling him that he has to relax, the ideal is that you provide him with solutions to see calm in life, because sometimes stress blocks people emotionally.


“The same is part of your destiny”

No one will feel comfortable hearing these words. Fate can be random, but a woman who wants to conceive will not think that if she does not have it, it is because fate wants it. She wants her destiny to be to start a family. This phrase is better never to say because it can hurt a lot.

“You can always adopt”

Adoption is not an easy process to talk about so lightly, it has nothing to do with snapping your fingers and a baby showing up. Also, not everyone feels that adoption is the best option for them. Whether or not to adopt is a very personal decision that couples or single mothers -or fathers- must assess, considering many factors.

“I had a friend who couldn’t get pregnant but she did this”

This is a fine line and you don’t deserve to walk on it. It can be difficult to know what to say, but you cannot give advice to someone who is trying to conceive with other people’s home remedies and may have nothing to do with conception.

This can cause false expectations for a person and if it doesn’t work out later it can cause a lot of emotional damage. You need to offer empathy and help if they want it, but only if they really want to hear that advice.


“It will arrive when it has to arrive”

This will never make a woman trying to conceive feel better. I’m not sure what this really means. All babies throughout history arrive when their parents conceive them, not before or after. There is no order in life, but it does take two people trying to conceive to achieve it.

If you are trying to be a mother, you may be on a somewhat confusing path, that you feel emotionally affected, and that you think it is more complicated than you imagined. But sometimes, there is nothing that can be done, just look for the best for yourself. If someone gives you advice and you don’t want it, don’t accept it.

Ideally, follow your doctor’s guidelines to be able to conceive and know your body and your ovulation. On the other hand, if you are a person who knows someone who wants to conceive and cannot, offer your support and empathy, but control your words to avoid hurting them emotionally.

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