9 Exercises For The Development Of The Baby From 10 To 12 Months

Psychomotor stimulation is very important in babies from birth. Next, we are going to focus on exercises for the psychomotor development of babies from 10 to 12 months.
9 exercises for the development of the baby from 10 to 12 months

Towards the end of the first year, the child is becoming more and more independent; he will begin to walk alone, he will have a better ability to handle objects, he will begin to speak, among many other things. In the following lines we talk about some exercises for the development of the baby from 10 to 12 months that will stimulate his psychomotor and cognitive development.

In this stage, numerous advances arise, both at a social, motor and cognitive level. Towards the end of the twelfth month, the little ones begin to understand the relationship between action and reaction and apply this knowledge to their experiences.

 Exercises for the development of the baby from 10 to 12 months: psychomotor development of this stage

During this period the child is more active, is able to get on and off a low bed and will support himself on his feet if he leans on furniture. During these months he may learn to walk and, from now on, he will be touching everything in his path. How will your psychomotor development be during these months?

Mother doing exercises for the development of the baby of 10 to 12 months with her son.

From 10 months

  • Increasingly precise fine motor skills and better handling of your fingers.
  • He begins to use his hand to say goodbye.
  • He begins to understand cause-effect relationships, that is, if an object falls, he looks for it.
  • You can stand up by leaning on furniture and other objects.
  • You can start saying mom and dad.
  • He sits for a long time without support.
  • Ignore strangers.

From 11-12 months

  • He begins to walk using support points and holding on to objects in his path.
  • You can sit for a long time and bend over if you drop something.
  • Use the index thumb in a much more precise way.
  • Starts to say 3 or 4 meaningful words.
  • Understand simple commands.
  • Help with dressing.

Exercises for the development of the baby from 10 to 12 months

These exercises will be very useful to improve the development of the child, at the same time that we promote other skills that must be acquired during this stage. Let’s see some of them.

Walking greater distances

Place the child near a piece of furniture that he can lean on and call him to come to you. As you walk, increase the distance between you. Put away anything that could harm you and take the necessary precautions.

Up and down

This can be done by teaching the little one to go up and down a sidewalk or a low step from the front door. First with the help of an adult and then by himself.

Carrying things, one of the exercises for the development of the baby from 10 to 12 months

Ask the child to find an object, such as a small chair, a large stuffed animal, or a beach bucket. When you have to be loaded with a large object, your center of gravity rises and tilts and, therefore, you will have to take a different body position than when you walk without any load. With this exercise the ability to maintain balance is perfected.

Picking up a toy off the ground

Place the child in the middle of the room and put a toy on the floor in front of him. You will lean forward, slightly bend your knees, and pick up the object, then return to your feet.

Place small objects on top of larger ones

Give the child objects of different sizes; They can be boxes, cubes, etc., and ask him to place the smallest on top of the largest. The smaller the difference in size between the two objects, the more difficult the game will be. We can increase the difficulty as you get to place them correctly.

Place objects of equal size on top of each other

This exercise is similar to the previous one, only the objects must be the same size. You have to ask him to place each one on top of the other. If he succeeds, praise him profusely.

A right-handed child will be able to build towers of more than two cubes by 12 months. Try large cubes (5-10 cm) first, then smaller ones (2.5 to 4 cm).

Big-eyed baby.

Insert cubes of different sizes into each other

Get a set of hollow cubes that progressively increase in size, so that the child can put one inside the other. This exercise requires coordination, since you have to fit the insertion of the cubes and this is more complicated than if they were cylinders.

Put marbles in a bottle, another of the exercises for the development of the baby from 10 to 12 months

Get some marbles, paper balls, or use chickpeas; anything that the child can pick up with his fingers as an index-thumb clamp and put them through the neck of a bottle. Of course, always under your supervision, to prevent him from putting small objects in his mouth and choking.

Ask him to do different things with the same toy

You can give him a stuffed animal and give him small commands to stimulate understanding of simple commands. “Hug the stuffed animal; pick up the stuffed animal; give me the stuffed animal; feed the stuffed animal… ”.

In short, these exercises for the development of the baby from 10 to 12 months will stimulate the development and capacities of your child during this period. Putting them into practice will make your child have a much more positive evolution than those who do not.

Take advantage of your time to work on these exercises with your baby while having fun; you will see that with time their progress will be more than remarkable. What are you waiting for to put them into practice?

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