Complications Arising From Gaining Too Much Weight During Pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy depends on different factors: genetics, the baby’s weight and, of course, diet. In the following article, we will tell you about some complications that arise from gaining more weight during pregnancy.
Complications arising from gaining excess weight during pregnancy

During the nine months of pregnancy, women tend to add a few pounds to their figure. However,  weight gain should be monitored regularly, since complications caused by gaining excess weight during pregnancy must be taken into account.

Of course, one must be aware of the quality and quantity of the food that pregnant women consume. It is normal that, at certain times of pregnancy, the appetite increases.

In fact, pregnancy causes weight gain in all women. That, in turn, is very good, since there are greater needs as the gestation progresses. In that sense, it is advisable not to exceed 12-13 kilos of overweight due to pregnancy.

The importance of not exceeding these limits is that being  overweight reduces the chances of having a child and increases the risk of complications during pregnancy.  In these cases, proper nutrition and regular, moderate physical activity should help keep you within the recommended limits.

Doing a little sport allows you to stay under this barrier; it is especially in the last part of pregnancy when the difference between an active and a sedentary woman is perceived.

Getting extra fat during pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy should be regular and gradual.  In theory, women shouldn’t gain weight during the first trimester. From the second trimester, meanwhile, they usually take 1 kilo per month; In the last three months, the normal thing is to gain 2 kilos per month.

The ideal weight that a woman should add to her body during pregnancy is 9 to 12 kilos. However, several factors are taken into account for a harmonious weight gain.

Getting too fat during pregnancy is dangerous for both mother and baby.

The women who gain the most weight are generally slim women, who can weigh up to 20 kilos.  It may seem a bit scary, but during labor, women lose about 7 kilos on average, due to the weight of the placenta and the baby. Similarly, breastfeeding also helps you regain a healthy weight.

However, some women do not gain much weight during the nine months of gestation due to some inconveniences. During the first trimester, expectant mothers may experience episodes of nausea, and even severe vomiting, which prevents weight gain.

Also, GERD is common in the last trimester. In this case, the acid elevators reduce the appetite of the expectant mother.

Lastly, it should be noted that any problem of being overweight during pregnancy should be discussed before, during and after delivery with health professionals.  They will provide answers to questions and find solutions to limit the risks that may arise.

Complications from gaining too much weight during pregnancy

During pregnancy, obesity can have negative consequences for both the mother and the fetus.  In the first case, the risks include the development of gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia.

On the other hand, fetal risks correspond mainly to congenital anomalies, premature birth or fetal mortality at birth.

In summary, the following pregnancy complications related to being overweight can be highlighted:

  • The risk of perinatal mortality is multiplied by two.
  • Overweight mothers can have children with a high birth weight; this can be more than 4 kilos.
  • The expectant mother is more likely to give birth by cesarean section than by natural means.
  • The risk of diabetes increases for overweight mothers and their offspring.
  • There is an increased risk of pre-eclampsia, due to the abnormal elevation of blood pressure, which can lead to death in utero.
  • Greater probability for the mother to develop  cardiovascular diseases  and  hypertension  .
  • The child is at risk of developing obesity and heart disease. 
Diet directly influences low weight in pregnancy.

For all this, it is important for the overweight pregnant woman to have a  healthy diet and physical activity on a regular basis,  even during this period. Walking and swimming are, among other things, recommended exercises to avoid gaining excess weight during pregnancy.

In addition, the activity must not be intense and must be adapted to this particular context. Regarding changes in diet, it is advisable to consult with a dietitian or other health professionals.

To conclude, remember that, even if you are pregnant, it is not  necessary to overeat or even do it by two people. Opt for simple dietary rules: steam cooking, without sugary drinks and leaving aside animal fat. With these simple measures, the baby will be able to take what he needs to continue growing.

How many kilos should you gain during pregnancy?

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